Right on the..

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Sunny sat on the swings, the sun starting to set. It was getting pretty dark out. The swing squeaked as someone else sat down beside him. Kel. "Heh..It's kinda getting warmer, isn't it?" Sunny snuck a quick glance at him. "Oh, yeah. I guess." They both sat there in awkward silence for a moment, staring into the distance. "Hey..uh- Sunny? can I tell you something?"

Kel's stomach twisted and turned as he choked out the words. Was he really doing this? Their entire friendship would be ruined and awkward if he didn't...but wait! The outcome would be...they could hold hands..and..- that feeling in his stomach again, even just thinking about it made his face heat up. "Hm? What's up?" Sunny asked. Right then he noticed...how pretty his eyes were. And his face...so sweet...

"Are you just gonna stare at me? Heh, that's cute." Sunny said, smiling lightly. Kel turned a different shade and struggled to keep his composure. "Y-You think so?" He asked, caught off-guard. "Yeah." Sunny replied, resting his head on his hand with a casual expression. He didn't seem phased at all. Kel sat sweating, wondering how he could say such a thing without a hint of embarrassment.

"Uh...so about the thing I was going to tell you..." Kel started. Sunny looked at him quietly, waiting for him to tell him. "I...uh............um.....nevermind. I can't say it." He gave up. "No, no no. Say it. I'm interested." Sunny pleaded. "Really. Go ahead, I won't judge you, if that's what you're thinking." He grinned. "Maybe I know what you're about to tell me, maybe I don't. I might say yes, might say no. Depends on what you have to share."

Kel scrunched up his face in confusion. Did Sunny already know what he was going to confess? If so, why didn't he say anything before? "Are...you sure that you want me to tell you?" Kel asked quietly. "I-I mean, I'm sort of scared to tell you- because it couldn't ruin the whole friendship..and everything would be awkward between us.." Sunny stared at him with a blank expression.

"So, what you're saying is you're in love with me." Kel flinched. "H-how did you!?-" He questioned, but was cut off by the short boy again. "Simple. I wasn't sleeping." What Aubrey said earlier suddenly made sense now. "Oh..but why would you just assume that it was I was uh...gonna say?" He asked again. "You're all red. Again, it suits you. You're very cute." He repeated. "How...do you say that...with such a straight face?" Kel forced out. Sunny just shrugged and smiled again. "Guess it comes naturally."

The taller boy crossed his arms in embarrassment. "W-well, what happens now? Since you know and all?" He questioned Sunny. "We kiss?" Sunny asked, tilting his head. "WHAT- where did you get that from??? Imeanwecanifyouwanttobutit'snotsomethingpeopleusuallydoonlyinlikemoviesandstuffBUTTHENAGAINWETOTALLYCAN!" Kel yelled in an fast-paced and high tone. "You talk too much," was all Sunny said before gently cupping his face and kissing him on the cheek.

"Yeah, that's about the reaction I expected." Sunny commented, patting his back. "It's okay, breathe in and out. Make sure not to overheat."

After Kel calmed down and stopped freaking out, he said quietly, "You..never said you liked me back." Sunny glanced at him with a knowing expression. "What? Was that not enough? Well, then. I'll say it. I love you too." Then he gave a sweet smile and patted Kel's back again as he had another gay breakdown.

Aubrey stared from behind the playground equipment. "Did you see that, houseplant? That was gay as shit." She told Basil. "Did you take a photo?" She questioned him once again, holding her hand out in front of her. "O-oh, yeah! I have it here." Basil responded, rummaging through his pockets and pulling out his camera, which had printed a new photo. A clear, visible picture of the exact moment Sunny's lips made contact with Kel's cheek. "It's perfect," Aubrey praised him, as he handed it to her. "Now this is some good blackmail."

Hero stood behind a bush, confused, but not surprised about what he'd just witnessed. On his way to Basil's house, he saw Aubrey hiding behind the slide and wanted to stop by to say hi. Upon doing so, he'd also seen his brother get kissed by another boy. Now, again, he wasn't shocked at all. He knew that when Kel was only a kid he'd sit there and rant about how much he loved Sunny for about hours at a time. But it was still strange to see it happen right in front of him. Still, he was happy he got to see it.

He smiled slightly, happy to see his brother in such a good place, even after The Truth. He decided he'd have to talk with Sunny another time. Right now, he would let them have their moment. He waved to Aubrey and Basil and walked back to his house, planning to take care of Sally until the day ended.

"So, uh...does this mean...?" Kel started to say, not wanting to make any assumptions. "Well, it depends. Do you want to go out with me?" Sunny asked him, actually turning a little pink.

Kel smiled uncontrollably. He'd been waiting to hear that for 4 years. "I think I would like that."

hello, Saturday here! i'm sorry this chapter took a whole week to get out, i hope it was worth the wait..and don't worry! i'm not ending it here. i'm going to give you guys just chapters of them doing cute couple things because i can. see ya in the next chapter 😼

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