Izuku, on the other hand, was talking with Sadako in the common room, catching her up with recent events. Not the most private place, but to be honest, where they talked didn't really matter. On how Bakugo eventually became one of the "willing" servants.

Sadako commented, her gaze annoyed, but not with her partner. "She'll love him. Almost as much as he loves himself."

He nodded, and confirmed that opinion, and made further elaboration on what that meant, summing it up perfectly. "Exactly. He respects her strength, and she will respect his dedication. It's a terrible combination."

Sighing, she turned to look him in the eyes. Just so that he could see her worry. And so that she could also see hope in Izuku's... "So, what's next?"
Deciding to put on the brave face, the greenette explained, "We have everything we need. The only thing I need to know is: what is going on, fog-side?"
Sadako whispered, careful to not make any of his classmates panic with their conversation.. "Well, there's a new survivor. He's strange, and seemed to know my name."

"Really?!" Izuku asked, very interested in that development. "Who?"

"I don't know them... some middle aged man, acting as if he was addled something. He didn't seem all there. He was full of himself. Called himself Nick Cage, as if it meant something."

"I see..." He rubbed his chin, before asking, "Was he a celebrity or something? Maybe an actor? It might explain why he recognized you, if you're just a movie character..." 

She shrugged, "Probably. He's rather funny, to be honest. But, I kill him like the others."

"No discrimination, I hope?"

She smiled slightly, before getting to the more... serious topic at hand. "She's discovered a new source of energy. Dark rift energy."

That was something to take note of. "In contrast to normal rift energy that makes up the glyphs."

She nodded, "Yes. Not only is it more suited to her as a creature of darkness, but it's easier to farm, as well."

That surprised and concerned him, his eyes widening in response, "How so?"

The Onryo was quick to describe everything, "There are new devices on the generators. They generate dark rift energy when survivors work on them. Hooks also have them as well some too. When a person has too much... you go to a well, and give the energy to her. It's powering her more than glyphs do, so there are less of them out there."
"I see." Izuku rubbed his chin. The fact it found a new source of energy was disturbing, and it's apparent ease of acquisition was disturbing. Factoring this in, he did the quick math. "Well, the only thing we can do is stop them from making any new bleed sites..."
She sighed again, her raven black hair still spilling down. She tried to keep it off her face, but that might just be a core part of her at this point. It did hide her grim expression, "That might be a problem. Another killer was sent here, on top of the now three in the new Black Veil."
Worried, the greenette pressed for an answer: "Which one?"
Sadako whispered, "I'm not sure. We'll have to look out for them. It wasn't Rin, at least."
However, before Izuku could respond, his phone rang. Checking it, it was from Nezu. Answering, he left the room, with the ravenette following close behind. When they were sure to not be heard, he put it on speaker. "Nezu, you're on speaker with just myself and Sadako. What is it?"

He was frantic, his voice uncharacteristically panicked, "Did you see the news?"
Worry laced Izuku's voice as he tentatively replied, "I can't say I have..."
Nezu delivered the words as if they meant something terrible. "Bakugo just broke out Tomura Shigaraki from the most secure prison in Japan."
His mind was coming up blank, even though he could tell that it was very serious. Tartarus was well known, but Shigaraki... not so much. "I'm sorry, who is that?"
One could almost hear the Chimera facepalm... before he was resigned to explaining the basics to him. "Right, you weren't at that meeting. Tomura Shigaraki was the man in charge of the USJ incident. The one with light blue hair."
Now things were starting to click. "Bakugo must be in contact with that group, then."
"That's what we thought as well. Your classes' training is being accelerated. We're going to aim for your class to get provisional lisences soon."
That made Izuku hopeful. If they had access to provisional liscences, then they would mbe actually able to fight. With their quirks, this world's biggest advantage. "How soon...?"
"Within the next three months."
That stung, especially when the greenette did the mental math, he grimaced as he gave the bad news. "With all due respect Nezu, Sadako and I don't predict that Earth has that time."
There was a pause for a moment, before he shouted, "WHAT?!"

Sadako spoke up, "The Entity has found a new power source that is more effective for it. The amount of power it needs has been cut in... what, half?"
He nodded to her, "That would be my estimate."
Nezu summed up what they had come up with on their own. "Which means that the four month timeframe has been brought down to two. Our biggest priority should be to stop any bleed sites from forming in Japan. Besides the ones already here."

Izuku agreed, "This is a topic for the next meeting."
He sighed, "That'll have to be tomorrow. Today's was about security on campus, given the breakout. Something you didn't need to be there for. See you then, Midoriya, Sadako."
"Good." They hung up. The greenette ran a hand through his hair, frustrated with everything moving too quickly.

His girlfriend picked up on this. "I know you're stressed, Izu... but we should relax... while we still can."

He nodded. "Yes." He hugged her, bringing the Onryo close. Returning inside, the two of them went to his room, turned on the TV and started watching a movie. He whispered, absentmindedly as the first scene started. "We should."

Bakugo Katsuki, on the other hand, was having a much better day. Finally arriving with the silver haired manchild, he announced to the bogeyman of the underworld. "Here's your protegee. Do we have a deal?"

The man was less than enthusiastic with the manner in which he was speaking. Then again, he needed to know more, and there was something that bothered him deeply. The fact that he acted as if there was someone stronger than him. And that wouldn't do. "Indeed we do. First, though... what is your name? And that of your... group?"

"I'm..." The blond seemed to think for a moment. He didn't want his old name. That didn't matter. He didn't look up to Allmight anymore, the weakling liar, and so, his prospective title of Dynamight didn't work. However, he did come up with a new one. "I am Supāku. And we..." The three of them stood next to each other, a rather intimidating force, with the Huntress towering over everyone, and the Blight glowing with his monstrous form. "...are the Black Veil."

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