As they couldn't move, Izuku won, he removed his weapons and moved, stopping in front of Nezu, the rat couldn't see Izuku's face because of the helmet, but he felt the cold gaze.

Nezu: . . . . . .correct me if I am wrong, you didn't count those . . . . .magic tricks, did you?

Izuku: magic? No, sorcery and incantation is the right word, and no, I didn't count them.

Nezu: and that small thing that was in your hand was?

Izuku: seal, you need a seal to use incantation while you need a staff to sorcery.

Nezu: . . . . . . .Izuku Midoriya, for a week, we'll take days off, in that while, we'll decide what will happen to you.

Izuku: I don't need babysitter and I don't need anything from any of you, I'll be on my way and you on your way.

Nezu: Mr Midoriya, you are underage for living by yourself.

Izuku: I am not underage.

Nezu: well, in your file, you're 16 by now, which is underage by Japan's law.

Izuku wanted to go away, but he'll get in trouble because of the law, so he sighed, he said "equipment" and changed to Land of reeds set without the helmet.

Izuku: fine, just tell me who will I stay with.

Nezu: of course, you'll stay with me.

Izuku: . . . . . . . . . . . . A Tarnished under a small rat's protection, if Varrè hear that, he'll keep bragging about it.

Nezu: Varrè?

Izuku: someone who's better to defeat whenever you see him.

Nezu: . . . . . . . . .OK then, for a while, you'll have to study and understand few things, one of them is being the fact that mentioning killing is not something normal.

As they ended, they closed UA while a couple of students wanted to keep watching or talking to Izuku, some being Bakugou and Ashido, but the heroes didn't let them.

After a week

As UA opened their gates, class1-A started their lessons as their first lesson be by Aizawa, but they had their doubts he would come.

Kirishim: do you think Aizawa-sensei will come? I mean he had a lot of broken bones.

Jiro: well, we ma-

As the door opened by Aizawa being wrapped like a mummy, all the students were surprised that he was coming to teach.

Yaoyorozu: A-Aizawa-sensei! Can you teach with all those injuries!?!

Aizawa: hero can overcome any type of challenges, anyway, sit down because I have some words to say before starting the class.

As all of them sat down, Aizawa went in front of them and looked at all the students and started.

Aizawa: as you know, what happened in USJ was something unexpected and we weren't prepared for it which show us that heroes must be prepared for everything, buy before that, let me introduce a new student to our class, everyone, greet Izuku Midoriya.

As Izuku came inside, the whole class was more surprised by that as all of them were in shock state, Izuku stood next to Aizawa, he was in UA uniform.

Aizawa: from this day onward, Izuku Midoriya will be our new student and your new classmate, say hello.

Izuku: . . . . . . .  Pleasure to meet you.

Aizawa: warmer, but at least you did it, ok, sit somewhere and let us begin our lesson.

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