Chapter 11 | Legends and news

Start from the beginning

Their eyes met again.

"But how do you feel now?" after a slight silence, Lan Zhan asked.

"Now that you're back, I'm much better." said Wei Ying in a soft voice.

After a moment of silence, Lan Zhan unexpectedly broke the beautiful moment. He got out of bed, wanting to leave the room in a bit of a hurry. But before Lan Zhan could get out of bed, Wei Ying grabbed his wrist.

"Wait, Lan Zhan. Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"But where do you want to go in such a hurry?" asked Wei Ying curiously.

"I just remembered that .. there's something I need to talk about with Song Lan."

However, Lan Zhan's response did not reassure Wei Ying.

"But you're not going to suddenly disappear again, are you?" asked Wei Ying, frightened. His looked the alpha straight in the eye with his doe eyes.

 His looked the alpha straight in the eye with his doe eyes

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The alpha leaned in close to the omega's face.

"No. I won't do that again. ... I promise I will never leave you again." said Lan Zhan firmly.

Wei Ying slowly let go of him, but his eyes remained fixed on the alpha. Lan Zhan smiled faintly and then left the room.


Lan Zhan found Song Lan in the living room. The beta had been sitting on the couch waiting for him for some time.

"It's good to see you're finally awake. We need to talk about something quickly before Wei Ying comes down here." said Lan Zhan as he walked over to the couch and sat down next to the beta.

"So, he noticed your bruises or your wound?" asked Song Lan immediately.

"No. At least not yet. Although just a few minutes ago, he almost figured it out." - the Lan Zhan thought for a moment. - "But when I woke up, the pain came back again. Yet, as soon as I smelled his sweet scent again, it eased my pain like some kind of medicine. .. It's weird, but it's also amazing. .. I don't know, but he's so different from the other omegas. He's so ... special."

"I agree with that. I've never seen an omega as beautiful as he is." - replied Song Lan, then ignoring the fact that Lan Zhan's stern gaze was on him, continued. - "He' s like ... Persephone."

"What? ... Persephone ..??" - asked the alpha, stunned. - "Why her? Why a Goddess??"

"Because Wei Ying is like a Spring Beauty,

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"Because Wei Ying is like a Spring Beauty, .. like Persephone, Hades' wife. ... But I was only implying that Wei Ying is as beautiful, innocent, but at the same time strong as Persephone. No more, okay?" the beta tried to quickly calm the alpha.

"And why did you think of that?"

"Because you're already very much like Hades. ...Let's start here. Oh, and the meeting of Hades with Persephone is a bit like the way you met him. That's what I thought when you told me how you found the omega in the woods. .. Hah, we can say that you and Wei Ying are quite like them; "the Spring full of life, and the cold Winter." declared Song Lan.

Lan Zhan didn't speak, Song Lan continued

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Lan Zhan didn't speak, Song Lan continued.

"See? You can't even deny it, Lan Zhan, because you agree with me."

"Just shut up."

"Oh, come on. .. We both know how dark a reputation you've have also made for yourself, especially among the alphas. .. Hm, though I guess your omega doesn't know that yet, does he?" Song Lan became serious at the end of the sentence.

"All I know is that Wei Ying only knows Mingjue's reputation, but I hope he hasn't heard mine yet. ... And I would like it to remain so. .. And what you said about the two gods, do not mention them before me and Wei Ying." Lan Zhan warned his friend.

"Okay, as you wish." - said Song Lan, then he changed the subject. - "By the way, I was about to tell you when those alphas showed up, ... that I heard that a lonely alpha was desperately looking for an omega boy in a nearby small town. I mean, he was looking for Wei Ying there, and the danger just got closer to you and him."

"A lot of lonely alphas looking for an omega. But then why are you so sure it has something to do with Wei Ying??" asked Lan Zhan nervously, without thinking a little bit more about what his friend was referring to.

"Because the alpha was wearing a red robe." - the beta came straight to the point. - "And who else would he be if not Wen Xu? ... Wen Chao or Ruohan can no longer be, .. unless they've been resurrected since ..."

"Wen Xu does not walk alone. ... But that doesn't matter now. Whether it's Wen Xu or not, I won't let any alpha touch Wei Ying again. .. That alpha can't hide forever either. Because I will find him no matter what." said the alpha darkly.

"But how are you going to catch that mysterious alpha when in the meantime, here's the ...-" Song Lan wanted to ask, but he stopped talking as soon as he and Lan Zhan noticed that Mingjue had appeared at the entrance of the room.


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