your deservingness and capability

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the very existence and presence
of your visions and wholehearted desires
is a statement of your deservingness
and capability
~ it is already here
it is already in you
for you

there is no missing out
(on what serves & nourishes
your inner most genuine self)
there is no doing wrong
there is only prolonging the chapters
until you are ready to be ready
and that's okay

the universe understands
as soon as you go
it will move with you
it will move through YOU
(it is you)
no matter how long the wait is
no matter how hard it is
no matter the initial resistance
no matter how many trials and seeming errors

it doesn't have to be hard
not in the realms of your soul & heart

build trust in yourself

remove what keeps love away
remove what limits your power
and let it expand
dancing with the flames
of who you're becoming
in all of it
the chaos
the order
the change

the very existence and presence
of your visions and your whole being
is a statement of your deservingness
and potential

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