Chapter 30: Cuddling

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Hey!"

You yell at her teasingly as the world gets blurry, you reach for them back but without a clear line of sight, you whiff your attempt brushing her shoulder instead. Your depth perception is off so you don't realize Momo approaching until a pair of lips connect with yours completely throwing you off guard.

She finishes the kiss and gives you your glasses back giggling to herself as you place the glasses back on.

Y/n: "That was a cheap trick! You'll pay for that!"

You grab her and pin her down flat on the bed tickling her sides relentlessly. She is now laughing uncontrollably-

Y/n: "The only way this stops is if you tell me where your glasses are and put them on. I insist on seeing Momo Yaoyorozu with glasses on as payment!"

Momo: "Ok. Ok. Ok. OK!"

Despite agreeing to your demands and begging you to stop, you pretend not to hear her agree to your terms just to torture her a bit longer

Momo: "In the bedside- drawer"

She manages to get out a sentence between the laughing fits, telling you the location of her glasses. You lean over and grab them keeping her restrained so she can't break free while you acquire them. Once they are in your hand you carefully place them over her eyes and stop smiling releasing her hands in the process.

Y/n: "Oh. My. God..."

She sits up and looks at you, nervously adjusting the glasses on her face, a blush developing on her cheeks

Momo: "They look bad don't they, I knew this was a bad idea."

She goes to remove the glasses, defeated, but you lower her wrist stopping her.

Y/n: "Momo, you look AMAZING!"

Your face lights up as you admire her with the oversized jacket and the glasses. Her blush intensifies as you grin like an idiot over her. She diverts her gaze toward the bed playing with the sheets, she comments-

Momo: "Now you see why I prefer you with glasses over contacts."

Y/n: "Oh, I 100% agree! You look way better with glasses!"

She looks at you with embarrassment replaced with a different look you hadn't seen before. Without warning she pushes you flat on the bed, reversing the previous roles. Her face closes the distance as your lips meet. Her hands caress your face as you plant your hands on her waist.  This time you feel something nudge your lips while you kiss, you open your mouth and a new sensation arises, Momo's tongue glides across yours causing you to shudder. You reciprocate with your tongues slowly brushing against each other consistently. Warmth spreads through your body as you break the long and passionate kiss. You stare up at your angel of a girlfriend her glasses falling down her nose slightly, her hair draping around you creating a tunnel, localizing your vision on her perfect facial features. You gaze into her beautiful black eyes outlined by stunning black frames, highlighting the onyx irises underneath. Her eyes are still contoured with a hint of puffiness stemming from your previous conversation. You covet her soft lips wanting to kiss them again, admiring her delicate nose, and studying her flawless skin. The bruise from earlier is still visible but doesn't subtract from her allure. You both breathe heavily, an intense blush like nothing you've ever felt, emerging from the intensity of the kiss. 

You both sit in silence catching your breath from the thrilling new experience. Finally, Momo speaks up-

Momo: "I'm sorry if that was too much..."

Y/n: "No, it was perfect."

You reach up, tucking her hair behind her ear and inspecting her face seeing the bruise from the test. You carefully run your hand over it barely skimming the skin.

UA's Summoner [Momo Yaoyorozu X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now