Chapter 31: The Big 3

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boom... boom... boom.

You're shaken from your slumber by the faintest sounds of explosions in the distance. You try to sit up but are stopped by arms tightly wrapped around your torso. You look down confused seeing Momo clutching you tightly with your arm resting on her back. You smile and run your hand along her cheek, she smiles in her sleep, but that smile morphs into a frown when you remove your hand from her back and free yourself from her grip. She rolls around restlessly, mumbling softly, until grabbing a pillow to smother instead. 

'Sorry Momo, I'll be back soon.'

You watch her carefully retrieving your glasses from the bedside table, making sure not to make too much noise to wake her. Exiting in the clear, you put your shirt back on and head downstairs to find the source of the mysterious explosions. Rubbing your eyes, you glance at your phone you see it's 2:15 AM. 

'Is Bakugo training at 2:15?'

You exit the door and see All Might and Mr. Aizawa conversing on the path

Mr. Aizawa: "Y/n, why are you out here, it's passed curfew."

You yawn not realizing his serious tone.

Y/n: "Trust me, Mr. Aizawa, I know, but there are some explosions somewhere, and since I'm the class rep I wanted to check it out. Especially if it was a villain attack."

All Might says something to Mr. Aizawa that you couldn't hear, but you see his frown get even bigger.

Mr. Aizawa: "You're pushing it All Might"

All Might puts his hands together as if to beg Mr. Aizawa who sighs and walks back inside.

Mr. Aizawa: "Go with All Might, apparently he wants to bring you along to retrieve the problem children. Don't keep me waiting, I lose enough sleep as is."

You nod and walk over to All Might who greets you and fills you in on the situation while you walk toward the source of the explosions.

All Might: "Currently, Young Bakugo and Young Midoriya are fighting at Ground Beta. I believe it has something to do with my retirement and our secret about my quirk."

Y/n: "Ok, and you think Bakugo has finally figured it out?"

All Might: "I believe so"

When you reach Ground Beta, All Might places a hand in front of you, effectively stopping you from interfering in the fight.

All Might: "Let them finish, or nothing will be resolved."

You watch as they duel fiercely with no pulled punches, eventually, Bakugo ends it by taking a punch to the face in midair, then grabbing Midoriya and slamming him into the concrete with an explosion boosting them toward the ground. After this move, All Might walks over telling them to stop fighting. You stand behind him listening, but it doesn't seem like they have noticed you.

All Might: "I'm sorry, but I heard everything."

Bakugo and Midoriya look at him realizing they've been caught. 

All Might: "I should've realized this sooner."

Bakugo: "Well you didn't... why Deku? It was that after that sludge villain, so why him?"

All Might: "He didn't have a quirk, yet he showed more bravery than me that day. So instead of gifting this great power to someone who was already strong, like you, I figured I would give Young Midoriya a chance to prove himself."

Bakugo: "Well now you know I'm weak too, I'm the reason you lost your power... Y/n saved us at the training camp from a villain I couldn't beat, so I was trusted to carry him to safety but... I couldn't even do that, we both got captured and Y/n was taken. If only our roles were reversed if he hadn't sacrificed himself we would've been able to beat the villains and you wouldn't have had to retire!"

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