- Chapter 7: Soul Bond's -

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- Annabelle's Pov -

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- Annabelle's Pov -

I lean against the kitchen island with a cup of my morning coffee in my hand smiling as i remember what happened yesterday after dad left with Bella not before telling us that he will put Bella straight. I snuggled with Rosalie while her family told me about all the soul bonds i have with them it still feels werid to know i basically have a whole new family. I'm Carlisle and Esme's soul grandchild which was a new one to them they didn't know they could have a soul bond like that but they are very happy about it. I'm Jasper and Alice's soul daughter which made my heart feel full knowing i that will have a mum that will love me for me and won't hate me for being a mermaid. i'm Emmett and Edward's soul sister which explains why they were so protected over me yesterday, it made me happy knowing i have siblings that love me for being me!.

Then finally there's Rosalie, my gorgeous mate she refused to let me go after Bella and i didn't mind that at all because we had a long chat about our relationship. We decided that we want to be with each other and asked in unison to be each others girlfriend which made everyone laugh at our eagerness. We also decided we aren't going to hide our relationship in public because why would we hide it when our happiness is what matters not one minded stupid people. Rosalie then asked me if i could spend the day time at their house so they all knew i was safe incase Bella found out where i lived and tried something. I agreed to that because i don't want to be in my house all alone because it feels horrible being in there all alone hopefully Rosalie will move in eventually so it won't be so empty.

"Baby? Are you awake?" I hear Rosalie ask loudly by the front door bring me out my thoughts

"In the kitchen babe!" I said loudly only for her to appear out of nowhere

"How are you this fine morning also you look beautiful" She said smiling

"I'm great this morning, i'm excited to see everyone again and you look beautiful too like a the true goddess you are" I said smirking

"Oh hush you, let's get going before Jasper sends a search party for you" She said rolling her eyes

"Trust him to be impatient" I said then giggled

I place my coffee cup on the kitchen island then Rosalie sweeps me up into her arms bridle style and she runs me out of my house at vamp speed while saying i don't need to lock my door because Emmett is hunting in the area and he will lock it once he is done with the key under the flower pot by the door. Thanks to Rosalie running it didn't take long for us to arrive at her home and she didn't stop running till we were in the livingroom where everyone minus Emmett were waiting for us once they saw me their eyes light up which made me blush.

"Belle! Finally your here do you know how close i was to coming over to kick your door down to make sure you were okay" Jasper said worriedly

"I'm sorry papa i was drinking my morning coffee and i didn't see the time" I said blushing as Rosalie sat me down onto the couch next to Jasper

"Dear just keep an eye on the time because if your papa had working heart he would have had a heartattack from all the worry" Esme said softly

"Annabelle i had a phone call from your dad this morning it seems that Bella found out about you being in Fork's and now she is on a war path trying to find you but thankfully she doesn't know where you live" Carlisle suddenly said making me tense up

"S-She knows" I stutter trying to calm down

"Yes but i will not let her near you after he told me what happened because that vile girl will not hurt you again" He said softly

"Grandpa it's okay she can't hurt me more then she already has" I said sadly

"Well she won't get a chance to hurt you again because you have us, your second family and your mate" Edward said sounding slightly angry and repulsed

"So after hearing about that me and Carlisle thought that today if you would help us clean out the attic to make it into your room for you to use when you stay here and untill your comfortable enough to share with Rosalie" Esme said softly

"I would love to help you guys but seeing as i can't move as fast as you would it be okay if i just help order what you need" I said nervously

"Sweetheart if you said yes i was going to ask you to help me order things online anyway" Alice said with her voice full of hope

"I would love to help you mama we can both go crazy together!" I said excitedly

"Great now we have two Alice's" Edward said playfully

"Oh shut up your just jealous that we can shop more then you!" I said rolling my eyes

"You just got burned little Eddie!" Emmett said walking into the livingroom

"Emmy your back! Did you get any bears?!" I said and asked happily

"Of course i did, those bears didn't know what hit them little sis!" He said flexing his biceps

"You hit them with your giant ass of course they knew" I said rolling my eyes at him

"Ouch your just broke my undead heart" He said placing his hand over his unbeating heart

"Get over it while i do some online shopping with mama" I said smirking

"I feel sorry for your bank account Jasper!" He said shaking his head

"I don't mind because what my daughter wants my daughter gets" Jasper said shrugging his shoulders



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