39: forever with you (end)

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"You've got to be kidding me, i told him to wait at home" jungkook muttered as he walked through the alleyways searching for his love. It's been over a month and Taehyung was getting well adjusted to his new self. going out to explore everything he can do. But it was a pain for Jungkook who had to keep dragging the boy back home because he misses him. Taehyung was just too excited to go out and explore his abilities, he thought it was odd how humans run away from him when they see his eyes or fangs. It made him want to spook children. a habit he picked up from Yoongi.

"where the fuck is he" jungkook hated that he had to go out during the day to find the other. Taehyung had a lot to learn. acting so obvious is like asking to be killed. He doesn't want their forever to end so quickly, he wants forever to be eternal and not just a few weeks.

Suddenly he saw a crying child walk by and walk into his mom's arms pointing his finger towards the alley. Jungkook rolled his eyes and quickened his pace and as expected Taehyung stood there with a grin on his face. but the smile disappeared when he saw Jungkook.

"I can expla-"

"You're coming home" jungkook grabbed the other by the hand and started walking away.

"It was just one person! i swear"

"As if I believe that," Jungkook said. "you have to stop getting so much attention, people will target you at one point. Hunters are still active around here. I can't be there always to get you out of things like this. It's daytime. I should be at home, but you made me come all the way here '' Jungkook frowned. "i don't want you to die a second time, just be careful"

"I'm sorry '' Taehyung looked down. He was having a lot of fun but he keeps forgetting he isn't immortal and as strong as he might think. He wasn't Jungkook.

"It's okay, I just don't want you to get hurt, we're past that."

"I know, I will try, but you can't deny it's fun to scare people. you did it all the time"

"I know" the raven chuckled. "But I am different. now come home I miss you"


Jungkook returned to Taehyung back home who walked to the living room where Jimin was. Jungkook had to take off his hat and other skin covering wear. "stupid sun" he muttered seeing a small burn on his wrist where the glove didnt fully cover it.

"Taehyungie, Namjoon is here," Jimin said.

"he is?!" Taehyung stood up again from the couch happily, surprised when Namjoon walked in, apparently just had used the bathroom, seeing him fix his belt in the doorway.

"Hello, sorry for stopping by so suddenly," namjoon smiled.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" taehyung hugged the other "are you alone?"

"No seokjin is over there" namjoon pointed to the kitchen where seokjin was making namjoon something to eat, heating up the meal he brought with him.

"am i that unwanted that no one sees me?" seokjin chuckled, walking into the living room with a bowl streaming hot food which he handed to Namjoon.

Namjoon had been dating seokjin for a few weeks now. He didn't know the other was a vampire at first, seokjin made it a hobby to look as human as possible, from contact lenses to warm colored makeup covering his pale skin. Namjoon had no clue, but when things got more serious seokjin revealed the secret, hoping it wouldn't scare the human off. which didn't happen. Namjoon was surprised but he did have feelings and remembering his friend who was turned into a vampire he tol seokjin it was okay. He can still love him even if he was different.

So their dating continued and now they are somewhat together, not with a label but to them it felt like it. None of them had dared to ask the other to be their boyfriend yet, they were just too nervous.

"You two are cute"

"I'm not cute," seokjin said, turning to taehyung.

"you're right you're not cute, Taehyung is the cutest one here" Jungkook walked to his lover and snaked an arm around his waist placing a kiss on his head.

"yah" seokjin frowned.

"why are you getting annoyed by that, you said it yourself"

"but still..." seokjin always denied being cute but when someone tell him he wasn't cute indeed he would get upset. he hated being called cute but at the same time he wants to be cute.

"you're cute to me," Namjoon said a little shyly.

"Ahw, joonie '' Seokjin smiled at the younger. "Now go eat or it will get cold. i am not heating it up again"

Things are going so well now. Taehyung no longer had to be bothered with his past or his father. He had let it all go and sleet far down in his mind. He didn't think much of it anymore. He doesn't feel anything for his father, he does not regret what he did. Because in return he got the best life he could have wished for. A life with someone to love and someone who loves him back, a life with a family who actually makes him feel at home. He wouldn't trade it for anything, he doesn't want to be the human he was anymore, he was completely someone else, well not literally but mentally he was. He had different goals, no longer aiming for validation to his father, but now to be happy and live with Jungkook. to be the best husband Jungkook could imagine.

Yes Husband, Taehyung had plans to eventually propose to the vampire. A vampire mating bond was something special but he would love to have one last human thing between them. Marriage was the human way to connect two persons officially on paper together. He wants them to have a ring so others can see they were married. He just had to plan the perfect time, he had been a little worried Jungkook wouldn't want to but then, why wouldn't he. Jungkook and told him so many times he wants him forever and he loves him so much, why would he refuse taehyung's request. The young vampire just had to prepare the special moment, Jimin was more than happy to help him prepare for it. everyone was in on the plan. even Hoseok who will make them special outfits for this occasion. pure white with strong red details hinting to their vampire self.

Taehyung had the idea that Jungkook might already know he was planning this because the raven seemed in such a clingy mood, and he reads minds! He had to know this. but that didn't stop taehyung from planning. it only gave him confidence that it was gonna be alright.

And in fact Jungkook did know. He knew everything but he kept his mouth shut. He was waiting patiently for Taehyung to prepare everything, Jungkook would of course say yes. He can understand why Taehyung wants marriage on top of their bond, and he was happy to accept it. He likes to see them all work for it trying to be secret. Jungkook just pretended to not know a thing he wasn't gonna spoil the fun.

"Baby, I love you~" Jungkook whispered to taehyung.

"I love you too," Taehyung smiled and leaned his head back on Jungkook's shoulder. "forever"




Aaaaaan thank you all for reading, i am happy i've finished it. i hope you all enjoyed the story. sorry if this last chapter wasnt great, its always hard for me to write the last chapter, but i did my best :(

sadly i cant say, se you i the next, anymore. as its the end this time. but i hope you enjoyed and maybe i will see you again in a different story. there will be coming new stories soon. But first i gotta finish my other two stories keke. thank you all for the support during the book! the comments and reactions kept me motivated to keep writing, i was SO close to deleting the story seeing no one was really reading. but im glad i kept going. so thank you again and, see you! bye bye!~


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