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He left my room , I thought he was going to kill me. I knew my mom would go crazy if I called her so I took my phone dialling Atlas's number

"Hi Em!What's up?" I immediately start crying when he speaks . I cover my mouth and try to quiet myself.

"Emmy?" His voice is much louder now. "Emerson where are you?"

"Atlas please come get me" I whisper

"what happened" he questions. I can hear the panic in his voice . I hear him moving stuff around and slamming a door at the end of his phone " where are you ?" he asks again

"ill text you" I whisper too scared to keep speaking incase he hears me

I hang up the phone and text him my address and the access code for entry . Then I send a second text that says Text me when you get here. Please don't knock.

I quietly open the door of my room and go out silently , I manage to get out and sit infront of the main entrance clenching my phone in a my shaky fist staring at it waiting for his text

It's an agonizing 20 minutes when my phone lights up

I'm here

I scramble my feet and swing open the door .Arms wrap around me and my face is pressed against something soft . I just start crying and shaking.

"Emerson" he whispers sadly his eyes scroll over my face . I watch the concern vanish as he darts his head up to the apartment door "is he still in there?" he was going to bolt in but I stopped him " no stop,can we please just leave?" he poses , struggling to decided wether to listen to me or bust through the door .

It starts with usHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin