Chapter 2 - An Eventful Day

Start from the beginning

Speak up, Lisa. Please, speak up.

I tried, but no voice came out of my mouth.

"That's what I expect. Bye, then."

With that, she walked away.

Fuck. Fuck this. Fuck her.

*Third Person's POV*

"Where is your uniform, Ms. Manoban?" The P.E instructor growled at Lisa.

"I- I forgot, Sir. I am so sorry."

"You are sorry? How many times has it already been, Lisa?"

She couldn't say anything.

He continued, "Look at everyone. All of them have their uniforms on, but you. And have you seen yourself in a mirror? You look like a wet chicken."

She held her head down as the rest of the class laughed at his brutal joke, and he wasn't going to stop. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of humiliation, Lisa was sent to her homeroom teacher. Mrs. Bae, the homeroom teacher, was not entirely fond of Lisa, like the remaining teachers. Most believed she didn't belong to a prestigious place like this. It was a place for kids who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Few teachers or students knew it was not right for Lisa to be treated like this, but their kindness was limited to looks filled with pity or sympathy, and none dared to stand up for her.

Things were getting hard for Lisa to hold back, so finally, she decided to tell her teacher the truth.

"Mrs. Bae..." She began. She told her everything, including how others took her things, made her do their work, insulted her, beat her, how she was locked inside the storage room the day before and how she got wet. The teacher listened to everything with a frown as if Lisa were cooking up a lie.

When Lisa stopped talking, hiding the tears that threatened to fall, the teacher spoke. "Lisa, this is serious." She continued after a short pause. "I knew you had problems, but lying to your teacher's face like this? It's unacceptable, at any rate."

Lisa was shocked. She didn't expect her teacher to go against The Jennie Kim, as it was very unlikely, but she at least hoped her teacher to believe in her. "Mrs. Bae, I--"

She was cut off. "No, Lisa. Do you even know who you are accusing? Jennie is the top student in our school and one of the best students we have ever had. No one has ever made a complaint against her, and now someone like you come, make such ridiculous accusations about her, and I am supposed to believe them?"

Lisa's eyes widen at her teacher's words. If words could make you bleed, Lisa would have been out of the blood by now.

"Also, what changes if I do believe you? Other students are just doing fine here, and if it's only you who get bullied, then don't you think the problem is with you?" She let out a scoff and continued, "I mean, you are indeed different from others here. None of us have ever seen your parents, and that drunk man who came with you once or twice died a few years ago. We even have serious doubts about how you managed to get a scholarship here. Have you seen your grades, lately? You should focus on that more instead of feeling jealous towards your classmates. " She wasn't going to stop there either. "Even if your friends do something, you shouldn't take it to your heart. At least they acknowledge your existence, unlike your parents." With that being said, Mrs. Bae laughed and turned her face. "Leave, Lisa, and you will be cleaning all the washrooms on the floor for a week starting tomorrow as punishment."

Lisa wanted to scream at her, but some things were true. She left without a word. As soon as she got out of the staff room, she ran. She ran without knowing where to go. Finally, her legs stopped at her classroom. No one was there since they all went to P.E class. She got in, leaned against the door, and gave in to the tears. Those words were mere words for Mrs. Bae, but for Lisa, they were daggers that pierced right through her heart. Her parents don't care about her, so why would her teacher be?

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