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I got tagged by my beloved friend GirlOffline_ to do this weird love tag thingy: LETS BEGIN SHALL WE!

1st crush?
It was a little pity crush on a guy named Jackson. Year four so it was probably just some weird nervous feeling, I don't fucking know.

Current crush?
Can't decide. I have a lot of guy friends but someone named Ryan who I thought I liked turned out to be little, not really sure about who I have feelings for at the moment because as I said, I have a lot of guy friends.

Girl crush?
Youtuber count? Not too sure but if so Tanya Burr.

Celebrity crush?
Now again YouTuber, ThatcherJoe aka Joseph Sugg.

Worst ex-partner?
Never actually had a good relationship before so I don't know?

Have you ever seen a person you like in their underwear?
Does in a video online count? If so yes but in real life no I haven't.

Have you ever been on a date?
Nope, I think.

Has a significant other told you they loved you?
Yes actually, my old boyfriend in year five told me that before we went on a two week holiday for school.

What would you like in a partner?
I like when they can make me laugh. If they either get me to crack a smile or laugh I'm amazed. Caring, loveable, pet lovers! Um... Great with other people? I don't actually know.

So guys this has been me answering these questions. Make sure to go and check out GirlOffline_ because she has done this too. I rambled on in this because I didn't know the majority of the answer because 1. I forget shit and 2. I'm tired.

I tag:

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