A Refreshing Morning

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Pre-Chapter Note:


All characters belong to DC Comics, CWTV and whoever they are reserved to. 

There will obviously be many deviations from canon both comics and TV show.  

I don't reside or from US and English isn't my 1st language. All the description in this story are my knowledge from TV shows or movies or fanfics as such, so bear with me. If they are not accurate just roll on with it.  

At any point of time send me a message for any queries. And do not hate this story if you don't like it then just don't read it. If any negative remarks keep it polite.  

I believe what I write isnt offensive if not all but many, if it is, Im sorry. 

If the idea or story seems to be repeated, there is a chance for that because Ive read many fanfics and I might have mixed them up. If thats the case I give credit to whomever it belongs. 

This is like what happened in canon between Kara and Mon-El but its rewritten for SuperFlash. Although its not essentially one.


Barry wakes up to see his other side is empty, he gets up and wears his boxers and starts to look out for his companion. 

Kara lands through the open window in her full Supergirl glory with a bouquet in one hand and breakfast on the other.  

Barry rushes her and pins her to the said window. He had placed the occupants of her hand on a nearby surface. Their breaths mixing and she looks up with anticipation at him. 

"I would like for you to be with me when I wake up.", he says and moves even closer. She closes her eyes expecting him to kiss her but he just teases her by breathing down her jaw. 

She holds on to his arms tightly but not enough to squeeze it. She suddenly remembers something. 

"Barry, we need to move away from the window before someone realizes that Supergirl is in this apartment.", she says. Her voice almost a whisper. 

"Well, I am glad to help with that.", he whispers in the same tone smirking. He breaths on her shoulder blade and slowly kisses her there, leaving a hickey which can be easily hidden if she wears a shirt. 

His hands roam down her heavenly form, tracing every curve until he reaches her skirt. He moves his hands down the side of her hips and up the skirt. He slowly pushes down her panties and tights to insert 2 digits into her core. 

She gasps with the sudden intrusion, trying to muzzle the moan forming on her throat. 

With another hand he pulls down the skirt and tights. He pulls her towards him barely space between them. He then uncurls the curtains on the window, making the moment private between them. 

She pushes him onto the couch, shuddering at the loss of contact in her core. She unpins her cape let's it fall as she moves towards him. She sits on his lap clad in her shirt, and boots her panties and tights already down from his earlier ministrations along with her skirt. Her core wet and glistening from where he was inside her and from the morning sunlight from other windows. 

He pushed down his boxer, his member hard and ready to explore the insides of one Kara Danvers from Earth-38. She was still tight even after the number of rounds they went on last night and the magic of his fingers a moment prior. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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