"anyways... where tf am I?"

Somewhere in kalos region

"what are these blue holes....?" A woman said...

she started checking out the portal... after sometime she founded a photograph... there were 4 people in that pic... they had some unusual clothing...

"Who are these people? some cosplayers? must be one of those weird weebs who likes 2d girls more than real girls.... kids these days..." Diantha said and threw it away...

Somewhere in sinnoh region

"Achoo" ash and gary sneezed...

back to kalos

diantha tried to touch the portal.... she pushed her hand inside the portal... but failed miserably...

"What the heck.... why can't my hand go through this....?" diantha asked herself...

she started trying to push her hand inside the portal... but failed again miserably....

"Aight then... Pangoro... it's your time to shine!" Diantha said as she summons pangoro...


"Pangoro.... push me inside the portal gently..." diantha commands...


Pangoro started pushing diantha inside the portal...

diantha's head was getting some pressure from a unknown force...

she bit her lip... as she didn't wanted to shout in pain in front of her pangoro... as it would look sus...

suddenly when she reached a certain point the force acting upon diantha disappeared...
instead of that force...
another force spawned which started pulling diantha inside the portal...

"Pangoro hold my body while I look inside the portal.... this force might pull me inside it..." Diantha said...

now she could finally see inside the portal...
she saw
a mountain in which some heads were sculptured... most of them were broken...
a big tree....

"WTF HOW BIG IS THAT TREE?!! I THINK IT MIGHT'VE EVEN REACHED SPACE!!" Diantha said... she was amazed by the biological achievement of this world...

a tree which was big and long enough to reach space...

Suddenly the force which was pulling diantha became stronger...

pangoro's grip loosened...

"what the-" she was about to fall in that unknown dimension....

suddenly a person grabbed her hand just before she almost fell...

"phew... I came at the right time..." a blue haired simp said...
beside him was diantha's pangoro holding him and a shiny metagross which was holding pangoro...

he slowly pulled her out...

a few moments later

all of them were breathing heavily....

"you should start dieting.... it took 2 heavy pokemons and a #wegojim stan to pull you out..." that blue haired simp said...

he got a punch on his shoulder...

"shut up idiot... It was the force that was heavy not me..." diantha said... "anyways what are you doing here?"

"You were going inside a mysterious, unknown and maybe dangerous portal.... so I have to come here as to make sure about your safety..." The blue haired simp said...

~Ash's bizzare adventure~ (Naruto Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now