"Hyung don't do that" changbin told him, hitting his arm playfully. "I know you like someone, surely" he stated exasperated as Chan glanced at him slightly amused.

"And if I did?" He asked.

"I want to know! As your best friend I think I have earned the right to know at least" he told him, shrugging his shoulders as he wiggled his brows. "Is it Seungmin?" He asks suddenly.

"And if it was?" He responds to his questions with another question.


"I don't have a death wish" he laughed loudly, getting a few glares from others around trying to work. The class had ended but it was common for students to stay and use extra time to finish any work as the internet worked best here. "Minho is cute though, but he really isn't my type" he answered truthfully.

"Can I at least know your type?" Changbin asks, eyes batting curiously as if to act cutesy.

"Okay" Chan told him, a sly smile taking over his own plump lips as he leaned forward to whisper to the younger. Changbin, surprised yet still curious followed his lead and waited for him to whisper. "Alphas" chan knew Changbins wouldn't believe him, he had said this all before— yet the younger just laughed as this time was no different, shaking his head as he told him how he really thought Chan was serious this time.


Really was dumb.

"Chan Hyung wait up!" Another year passed by, not to slow yet not quick enough. Chans feelings had yet to ripple even in the slightest, of course he made no plans to move forward with it, Changbin was to precious to risk their friendship. That of course didn't mean he'd just be stumped to be alone, he may be slightly pessimistic but he had good hopes as well.

"Did you need something?" He asked the younger, waiting for him to catch up, Hans hands pressed against his upper thighs as he leant over slightly to catch his breath.

"H—Hold on a sec" he breathed out, chan chuckled and nodded, patiently waiting for him as Jisung regained his composure. "I need a favour, it's a big one but I promise you'll also have fun!" He told him firmly, his big eyes fluttering— trying to win his way with cuteness.

"Hmm... depends, what exactly is this favour?" He asked, tilting his head to the side just a tad as Jisung grinned.

"I have this group blind date which I had recently had Jeongin lined up to come but you know how he is and cancelled this morning so I came to you! You're perfect, handsome, sweet and most importantly, you can play an alpha role!" He told him. Jisung knew, even though he played himself as someone who was ditzy he was incredibly smart and sneaky, of course he found out immediately— Chan didn't mind, though Han was a bit scary at times, he was loyal to the bone.

"I don't know, I might not play it good..." he doubted, scrunching his eyebrows in thought.

"If anyone is convincing at being an alpha it would be you, don't stress it, besides I won't let anyone go after you if you aren't interested in actually dating" he offered.

"No, No, that's all right" Chan told him, not wanting to make him go through so much effort. "This might be fun, even if I can't get into a serious relationship, socialising never hurts" he laughed, the younger sighing sigh relief as he bear hugged chan.

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