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Damn Seungmin x SKZ is popular
Request by @litelslay

Seungmin Centric
Switch/Alpha Seungmin
Hurt/ very little comfort
Mentions of Smut

It had grown painfully apparent that Seungmin wasn't treated like the rest of his members. On camera they all flocked at him with hugs and teasing kisses as if it was natural. Yet off camera, all it came down to was meaningless sex. He understood that as an alpha he wasn't going to be coddled or anything, yet his heart didn't. At first he still expected that he would get some kind of aftercare or a hug, yet like clockwork, immediately after he had been used, whoever he had been with would just go there own way.

The first time had been confusing, but he expected the others we're the same with each other at least. Until he saw how nice and careful they treated each other, especially the omegas and betas. Felix, Han, Jeongin and Hyunjin got the most love, whoever they had been with would stay all night and help clean them up. They would whisper sweet things and the next morning it would be a lazy morning of cuddles and kisses.

Seungmin felt almost like a child, feeling jealous that others got more affection then he did. The sex was amazing, but after awhile it felt tiring and painful. He knew as soon as it was done, they would leave.

"I'm going for a shower, round 2?" So his hopes got up and they came tumbling down once more. He knew there was no vicious intent behind those words, the older was just careless. Seungmin lifted the covers up, feeling incredibly stupid once more as he shook his head. "Okay then" and Minho turned his back, walking out of the youngers room idly with his clothes.

He felt himself tear up, his lips pursed in a thin line as he inwardly sighed. Dirty, he felt dirty sitting in the sheets they had been in, having marks on his body that no longer felt like love bites. "Stupid" he muttered, grabbing his pants and shirt as he dressed quickly, grabbing his wallet and phone before he fixed his appearance a bit more in front of the mirror.

He still felt dirty but with the bathroom being used he'd rather just leave now. He didn't say anything to the others as he left their dorm. Needing space for awhile to clear his thoughts because he knew it would be painfully embarrassing to cry in front of them, as an alpha and as a human. "You going out?" Felix asked the taller, looking away from the screen as he looked at the brunette.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a bit" he stated.

"Can you get me an iced coffee while you're out please?" He asked, tilting his head a bit as Seungmin tensed before nodding. "Thanks, I'll pay you back when you return" he told him, looking back at the tv as Seungmin walked out. He wasn't too sure about where he was going but he'd rather just walk around then stay inside for another minute.


"Yo Seungmin did you want to come to the studio... oh he's not here" Changbin mumbled, his eyebrows pressed together as he decided to just go alone. "I'm heading out, I should be back before midnight" he told the three in the lounge, grabbing his coat.

"What happened to you taking Seungmin with?" Chan asked, in the middle of slurping his noodles, noticing the vacant area the other was suppose to stand.

"He must be out, couldn't find him" Changbin muttered, putting on his shoes.

"Is he still out. I thought he'd be back by now" Felix whispered.

"He probably went to hang with a friend" Hyunjin mumbled, still playing with the controller as Felix shrugged.


Seungmin watched his phone carefully, four hours had passed and no one had sent a message to him once. Not asking where he went or when he'd be back or even if he was okay. It was expected but seeing it hurt. He kept hoping that any second now at least one of them would message him.


Hearing the sound made his heart flutter nervously, immediately the light showed and he looked at the person who had messaged him.

It had been spam.

"That hurt" he chuckled. Placing his phone into his pocket before going back up to the counter of the cafe. Ordering a drink for Felix as he said he would.

"Date didn't come?" The person asked, taking his card as he payed for it. Seungmin looked up confused until he realised what they had assumed.

"Didn't have one in the first place" he told them, a thin smile on his lips as they handed the card back to him. "Thanks" he muttered, placing his card back into his wallet as he took a few steps back and waited for the drink. Not long after he had received it in a take away cup, his hand feeling like steel as he held it carefully.


Feeling tired he took out his phone, no longer hopeful. "I swear to god if it's spa—" he stopped talking. His feet stopping with him as he stared at the screen.

Chan: Don't stay out too late, it's dangerous 🤙

"I guess that'll have to do for now" he whispered, smiling down at the screen as he felt heat rise to his cheeks. Even as an alpha, he still wanted to be treated with care.

A/N; this felt realistic Idk.

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