"you're going to be staying here for a lil while"

"ok how long a few hours a day" i was not expecting his next words

" more like a few weeks"

"i'm sorry excuse me, no i can't i have to be home to take care of my grand- oh my god grandma, i have to pay for her to get surgery today.

"it's okay mamas i already payed, she already went into surgery a few hours ago she should be out in like the next hour, Makenzie is there with her and she said the doctor told her everything is going good" i let out a long sigh and sat back down on the bed

"ok thank you i'll pay you bac-"

"no you don't have to i already payed and your not paying me back"

"Dave don't i-" "No Makayla "

"Okay,okay, but this whole thing with me staying here i can't i have to be there to take care of my grandma"

"i know which is why when the doctor says it's okay to go home she's coming here"

"Dave no" "mamas just listen, that guy Kelly that's not his real name and he was not just going to rape you he was going to give you up to someone, i don't know who but i would find out"

"so someone is after me" i said as i went back playing with Kairi, "yes"

"hmm, ok but why are you protecting me you don't even know me well" he looked me in the eyes and said, "i don't know i'm asking myself that same question, but i guess i just feel the need to protect you"

"ok thank you Dave, so how long do i have to stay here"

"i really don't know, depends on when i find the person or persons that's looking for you"

"oh okay"

"Makayla can i ask you something" i just nod my head

"how come you weren't shock when i told you that someone is after you, did this happen to you before" when he asked that my mind went back to my dream of my past, i was going to say no but for some reason i couldn't lie to him

"yes, and don ask about it, i don't think i could stop myself from telling you"

"ok, do you know who would want to hurt you"

"huh, with the kind of father i have almost every one would want to hurt me"

"ok" "hm, Dave you're doing all on this for me , and i this life nothing is free, so what do you want in return"

"you know that is so true, well since your going to be living with me, you're going to find out more and more things about me so what i'm really asking for is your loyalty to me" i looked at him but immediately looked down, he had this deadly look in his eyes and the brown in his eyes were so dark it looked like it was black, i felt his hand on my chin and he lifted my face so that i could look at him

"don't ever try to hide yourself from me alright ma" i nodded my head, but he didn't seem to like that

"words mamas" "alright" the look in his eyes made me feel like i needed to hide but his grip on my chin got a little tight when i tried to pull away from him

"you didn't answer my question ma"

"wh-what was your que-question" i internally cursed myself for how shaky my voice came out

he pulled my face closer to his lips "do i have your Loyalty" our lips brushed together as he whispered his words to me

"yes" i said as my eyes went down to his lips

"yes what" he said as he pulled me on his lap

"yes you have my loyalty"

"hmm okay" was all he said as his eyes went to my lips, we both slowly leaned in, but when we were about to kiss i heard someone call out his name

"Dave where the fuck you is" he rolled his eyes and placed me back on the bed

"come on Kairi let's give Makayle some space"

"no she could stay with me" i said to him

"you sure"

"yes i am very sure, she's a good baby"

"you like kids" he asked me

"love them"

"alright i'll be back" he said as he reached for the door i remembered something

"Dave i have to go home to get my clothes and an outfit because i have to dance tonight"

"okay but you're not dancing for a little while, you need to get better and Kenzie told me you never took a day off so you could think of this as your vacation"

"Dave i'm really thankful for what you are doing for me, but i can't take a day off, that club always gets a new boss in less than a day so i have to go and even if the club doesn't have a boss by now there a still the higher boss" i said to him in on breath

"and you looking at him" he said

"what" i looked up at him and said

"i own the club so i'm your boss so i'm telling you it's okay to take a day off"

"oh- well alright" he then left the room and i looked at Kairi

"so what do you want to do now cutie patootie"

One Night Stand/ A Dave East BookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum