Mrs Bevan was excited, her voice shaking. "Oh, very excited, aren't we children?"

Some of the children surrounding her cheered. They were just happy to be on the news.

"We only heard this morning that Hollywood are going to be coming to see our Nativity play, and we can hardly believe it."

"I'm actually Mr Poppy," the man stepped in, snatching the microphone from the presenter. "And I am, uh, the Co-director, Co-writer and co-producer."

Robin's face seemed to harden as she turned on her heels. She saw her two boys sat at the table, the eldest had a sheepish look on his face. He was trying to hide it behind a cereal bowl.


"There is an explaination to this." He blinked slowly, avoiding eye contact.

"Is there, now?"

"But you're not going to like it."

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"I'm going to kill you."

It wasn't something Robin often said, but this time, Paul deserved it. She knew it wasn't true, and she was trying to keep it on the hush from Matt. He wouldn't understand it all.

Robin and Jamie had been on their way to the assembly, brought about by the Hollywood connection.

"I am going to kill you." She repeated, completely and utterly seriously.

Paul looked at her completely innocently and wide eyed. "What?"

Before she could reply, Mrs Bevan passed them by. "There you are! Oh, goodness, at last. This is Darren, from the local paper. Mr Maddens."

"Nice to meet you." He shook the man's hand, still completely unaware of what had occurred.

"Come on. We've got to go this way. Yeah, they've been waiting. I've told Darren everything I know but, I don't know very much. It's wonderful that you're back in touch with her again. There you are, that's it."

Paul was pushed into the assembly hall. The children cheered at him, yelling and screaming for him. But there was a nagging in the back of his mind as Robin was staring him out. And beside her, Jamie was eyeing him guiltily.

"Thank you, thank you." Mrs Bevan stepped to the front of the hall. "Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, teachers. Good morning. Good morning gentlemen of the press. And the local news team."

He still didn't understand.

"And, as you can see children, it's very very exciting. The whole of the town is buzzing with the news that St Bernadette is going to get a visitor from Hollywood."

That was when he knew he had stepped in it. A horrified expression crossed his face. This was never supposed to happen.

"Three cheers for Mr Maddens."

The hip-hip-hoorays were just too much for him to handle. "Mrs Bevan, boys and girls... I'm sorry, cause there's obviously been some misunderstanding, because yesterday I said in front of Mr Poppy that we were gone have a visit from Hollywood."

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