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My mother and Alicent have bad blood between them. Though I do not know why. But it runs so deep, she doesn't like me spending time with Heleana or Aemond. But I kept persisting. I have no sisters, and no other girl my age to spend time with. Heleana is the only even close. And I like her.

People view her as odd or crazy. The way she loves bugs or the way she talks randomly about things. I notice how people stared with weird looks. But I didn't. I'm fascinated with what she knows. Don't get me wrong, I will never hold one of those weird creatures. But what fascinates me, is her knowledge with them.

Heleana right now is explaining to me about this strange long bug. Has so many legs I don't think I can count. It's cool and creepy how it moves. Alicent sits on the other side of Heleana looking bored. I'm not entirely sure how much she loves her own children. I'm not sure she loves them like mother loves me and my brothers. It's different.

"It has eyes." Heleana explains about the critter in her hands, with several different bugs laid out before her that make me feel like they're crawling all over me. "Though... I don't believe it can see."

I frowned. "What makes you think that?" I asked curiously.

"It is beyond our understanding." She said softly.

"I suppose you're right." Alicent said, bringing her hand to Heleana's arm. "Some things just are." What didn't go unnoticed to me was how Heleana flinched slightly. I could tell she didn't want her own mother touching her. How odd.

My attention was brought to the sound of doors opening. The guard brought in a young, white hair boy in who looked frustrated, annoyed and a little sad. His hair is a mess and his face has dirt all over it.

"Aemond!" Alicent exclaimed, getting up to go to her son. My uncle. "What have you done?"

"He did it again." Heleana said. He went down to see the dragons again. He doesn't have a dragon like we do. Like my brothers, other uncle and I do. He's always wanted one. So much so, he'll go and see the other dragons down in the pit where they stay. They've nearly killed him.

"After how many times you've been warned? Must I have you confined to your chambers?!" Alicent scolded him.

"They made me do it!"

"As if you needed encouragement. Obsession with those beast goes beyond understanding."

"They gave me a pig!" He sounded broken.

I sat silently next to Heleana. I know of whom he speaks about. My eldest brother, Jacerays and our little brother, Lucerys. And my uncle Aegon. He's worse than my brothers. He starts it all.

"A what?" Alicent asked confused. I frowned because I was also confused. A pig?

"They said they found a dragon for me."

"The last ring has no legs at all." Heleana continued examining her bug, ignoring what's happening with her brother.

"But it was a pig." His voice broke. He looked as if he wanted to cry. I wanted to hug him, but his mother was already comforting him in her own way.

"You will have a dragon one day." She assured him.

"He'll have to close an eye." What Heleana said made me confused. He? Is she talking about her brother? And what does she mean he'll have to close an eye?

"They all laughed." His mother hugged him.

I stood up quietly and swiftly. I felt the need to comfort him and to make up for what my brothers did. "Aemond?" He looked at me with an almost sour look. "I apologize for what my brothers have done. That was not right of them."
They broke up their hug and I continued to speak. "Allow me to make it up to you." I gave him a small smile in hopes he would trust me.

After a few moments of silence, he nodded his head. I let out a internal sigh of relief. 

I gave a polite bow to the queen, Alicent to excuse myself and to thank her for allowing me to spend time with her daughter. Then I took Aemond's hand and took him to my dragon.

"Did you take me here to rub it in that you have a dragon and I don't?" He snarled, still hurt by my brothers actions.

"No." I placed my hand on the side of my black dragon and smiled. "Dragara (Drag-ar-a) and I, have a special connection. One that none before us had. She'll allow one other rider with me, as long as they have my permission." I turned to him and saw awe and hope in his face. "Come." I waved for him to come closer. I watched as he came closer and how Dragara reacted to him.

She seemed relaxed but also cautious with him. Which I'm surprised. Most of the time when people came closer to her, shes ready to eat them, alive, even if they were with me.

I took Aemonds hand and gently placed it on her, letting her know he's okay and he can ride with me. I saw joy appear on his face.

"I've never even touched a dragon before."

"Well, if you loved that, than you'll definitely love this." I said, getting excited with what's about to happen next.

He gave me a confused look as he saw me get on my dragon. "Come on. We don't have all day."

"You mean..." he looked at me and the dragon. "I can ride with you?"

"Yes silly. Like I said, we have a special connection. And it goes further than allowing another rider as long as they're with me." I give my hand to hold so he has help getting on.

He took it hesitantly but climbed on. He sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist loosely. "Whatever you do, do NOT let go. Hang on tight."

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