Mission 2: Yozakuras' Lifeline(Part 1)

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Here's Mission 2!!! Also Kyoichiro will be a little OOC towards Taiyo you all have been informed!!!

Taiyo's POV

As the sun sound of birds out my window and the light of sun came into my room as I blinked still feeling a bit sleepy as I rolled over when I saw something or someone that wasn't supposed to be here

Mr. Hiru-Kyoichiro was laying next to me on my bed with a smile on his face watching me as my brain was processing on what happened yesterday

Mutsumi's Family are all spies

Our homeroom teacher is her overprotective big brother

He proposed to me and now we're engaged

He's in my bed...

"Good morning my lovely Taiyo~" he greeted me warmly as I felt my eyes widen and I promptly shoved him off my bed with a shriek

"What are you doing in my room?!" I yelled at him as the door opened with Mutsumi coming in with a lunch bag and my uniform

"Taiyo I prepared your lunch and uniform...also big brother stop frightening your fiancé" she said with a frown as I soon found myself in Kyoichiro's arms alongside Mutsumi as he jumped out of the window and the house exploded

"What happened?!" I yelled at the fact that the house just exploded but I couldn't bring myself to care as there are more important things to worry about

"Now that you are gonna become a member of Yozakura Family you must pass the trial run for today" he explained to me as I so was confused as he carried me in arms

Soon the three of us found ourselves in the car as I was dressed in my uniform then Mutsumi and Kyoichiro told me that a spy who specializes in bombs planted one in my kitchen

"Shinzo recovered the bomb and it was confirmed that both you and Mutsumi were targeted" he told me calmly as I was freaking out

"Why me??? Also how could they have known Mutsumi was gonna be there???" I asked him as he showed me his phone

"It's because Mutsumi is the head of Yozakura Family and the fact you are my fiancé also made you a target that it got leaked because I was announcing my engagement in joy" he said as I saw his social media on the spy network

"Wait Mutsumi is the head of the family?!" I said in shock

"Mutsumi is the Yozakura Clan's Tenth head of the household" he informed as I gave Mutsumi a look of surprise as she kept a straight face

"The Tenth... of the Household?" I said as he judged nodded his head

"The Yozakura Clan traces its roots to the Ninja of the Edo Period, we've produced generations of people with superhuman abilities" he explained "But in every generation there is one person who is born ordinary...that person is the head of the Household" he explained

Then started giving more details that it was the other members responsibility to protect the head of the Household as Mutsumi future children will become the future inheritors of the family and now that is my duty too

"I see...Mutsumi it doesn't matter if your a Princess or something out of this world I promise to protect you as I always keep my promises" I told her in unwavering conviction

"Taiyo...thank you! I now have such an adorable little sister!" She exclaimed as her words hit me

"Little sister?!" I yelled in shock as she wrapped her arms around me into a hug nuzzling the side of my face in affection

"Of course! I'm older than you by a few months and when you marry my brother I'm gonna get a little sister!" She told me as I blushed in embarrassment at the reminder that I'm now engaged

"My precious Mutsumi and my lovely Taiyo hugging each other is adorable" Kyoichiro said all of a sudden as he brought his phone out and started taking picture

"Wait a second that isn't the same phone from yesterday" I pointed out as he seemed proud as he waved his phone in the air like it was the Holy Grail

"That phone held a collection of all my precious Mutsumi photos and this new phone shall be full of photos of my lovely wife!" He explained like it was common sense but it made me frown wondering if he took photos of me when I was sleeping

Then he gave me a gun as Mutsumi was trying to get the phone from him 'what has my life become?' I couldn't help but think in dismay

First Mission Protect Mutsumi and Stay alive from the bomber

In class I was super gloomy keeping my guard up as everyone avoided me and I felt very stress right now because there was a freaking bomber out to kill us and it could be anyone in this room

I tried to get my mind off things trying calm down think of anything else as Kyoichiro's face appeared in my head

His proposal and the image of him next to me when I woke up his love that he showers me with as everything about him seems to cause my to overheat and I fell right out of my chair freaking everyone out as I blacked out

To be Continued...

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