Chapter Five: Natasha

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For some reason, Natasha ducked. Immediately she felt something shoot over her head. She whirled around and saw a figure with short, choppy black hair. She wore a silver tank top and black skinny jeans, and around her back were two large, full quivers of arrows. Her bow, looking traditional with it's simple wooden curves, had a silver arrow nocked and aimed for Natasha. She hoped the girl hadn't noticed Clint so he had an advantage.
However, a strategy seemed unnecessary.
"Calm down, Thalia," the boy called. "They're okay."
"You positive, Kelp Head?" The girl did not lower her bow as she walked towards them. Natasha noticed threatening, piercing blue eyes and the girl's young face- she seemed to be a couple years younger than the boy. A silver circlet almost like a tiara sat atop her messy hair. Natasha knew these kids must be the so called saviors.
"Hawkeye, do it," Natasha said, and vaulted over the boy. Clint tossed the grenade, which would fill the alley with a sleep inducing gas. The both of them ran, while the teens coughed. Clint and Natasha stopped at the end of the alleyway, covering their mouths with their shirts. They watched the girl pass out, but the boy pointed his bronze sword at them without flinching.
"What are you?" he demanded when the gas subsided.
"Curious," Natasha walked towards the boy so that she'd have the best bet of leaping over him. "We work for S.H.I.E.L.D., and we just need you to come in."
"Could have asked," the boy snapped. "You didn't have to knock out my friend."
"It was payback for her trying to decapitate me," Natasha sighed.
"Now, are you coming with us or are we gonna have to knock you out too?" Clint asked.
"Yeah, I'd like to see you try."
"You're pretty confident for a teenage boy facing us of all people," Clint said. "It's good to be brave though."
"Again, what are you?" the boy demanded.
"Humans, suprsingly enough," Natasha mumbled. "Are you not?"
The boy moved his other hand on his sword, gripping it apprehensively.
"No," he said. "No I'm not."
Then he hurled the sword at Clint's stomach, and Clint fell limply to the ground.

Sorry for that wait. I've had a lot of crappy school tests and projects all stacked up on each other and blah blah blah. Ill try to avoid any more unnecessary hiatus. Sorry for the short and crappy chapter.

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