Fluffybird's Date.

870 23 13

(HI YOU GUYS ARE SO AMAZING- OVER 200 READS LIKE- OVERNIGHT?????? I love ya'll so damn much. Also totally forgot to mention it's currently snowy where the crew is, it's winter yes, they had to enroll Jonny later than the other kids due to how apprehensive Red was)

Red held his breath as he waited for Duck to come downstairs, they had always called each other "husband", but they were only dating, Red wanted to change that. Red looked down at a small velvet box in his hands, hoping tonight would go well, he had this planned for so long, but he never actually had the time to do it, now, he did, he heard Duck coming downstairs and immediately hid the box in his coat pocket.
Duck rushed down the stairs excited for the day, going up to Red and jumping into his arms. "Well jeeze, you sure are excited."
"Of course I'm exited! I get to spend the day with you!~"
Red smiled at the statement, he's never really had anyone who liked spending time with him before. "Well, lets waste no time then! C'mon, lets go!"

Red and Duck wondered through the city, pointing out every small thing that interested them, eventually ending up at a frozen over pond, just as thick snow began to fall yet again from the sky. Duck smiled brightly as he tightened his ice skates, gliding majestically onto the glistening lake, Red watched in pure awe, his eyes sparkling with pure love and admiration for Duck as he swept across the ice like a blade through soft butter. Duck skated up to Red and grabbed his hands, pulling him onto the lake with him. Reds eyes widened as his legs shook and buckled under his weight, unsure of how to navigate the skates or the ice. Duck held onto Reds hands and looked him in the eyes, as he guided Red slowly alongside himself, dancing majestically through the falling snow together, as they laughed, smiled, and kissed, having the time of their lives.

Soon enough Duck and Red got off the ice, and began to wonder the city more, eventually coming across a small cottage-like bookstore, Duck immediately lit up at the sight of the quaint little shop, walking in and gazing around at the beautiful interior of the building. Red walked in shortly after, not really looking around, but actually seeming to be zoned out, staring over at Duck with his hands in his coat pockets. Duck looked at a large collection of books, opening and reading a bit of each of them as he excitedly navigated the store, Red sighed and leaned against a bookshelf, watching his beloved partner be so ecstatic about something made him happy, he loved Duck so much, and wanted him to have the best life he could...he thought more about proposing...thinking about what Ducks reaction would be, would he be joyful? Or would he say no...we're they even ready for this? Red was soon shook out of his train of thought when Duck came up and grabbed his hand.
"Cmon! I've already paid for what I wanted, take me to that final spot you were talking about!"
Red looked down at Duck and nodded, staying silent as he thought harder and harder about what he was planning, would It be a good thing, or would it ruin his life, Red had no idea, but he was willing to take that risk.
(There's gonna be an entire chapter dedicated to his proposal, don't worry, it's coming soon)

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