DigitalTime's Date

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(Disclaimer: Tony's a flirty little bastard, again, read at your own risk lmao)

Colin looked quite worried walking through town, he didn't interact with many people that often, so most of this was new to him. Tony was walking quite confidently, a tad faster than Colin, who was trying to keep up through the crowd. Tony noticed how nervous Colin seemed to be, he sighed and took his hand, Colin blushed for a moment as they kept walking, Colin now feeling a lot safer in this city.
Tony and Colin ended up at a fancy looking park, Colin's eyes sparkled at the beautiful and natural sight, Tony looked over at Colin, admiring his excitement, and blushing a bit as well.
"This place is beautiful, how did you find it?" Colin was lead under a shady tree, and they both sat down.
"Well, it wasn't too hard to find, it's only about a mile from the house, and I heard that Red and Duck went here to teach Jonny how to ride a bike, figured it was a good spot to hang out." Tony leaned against the tree next to Colin. They both sat, taking for hours, just like old times, ever since they escaped, they didn't really have time to hang out, due to the precautions they had to take during the whole thing. Tony looked at Colin thoroughly, he was able to without Colin seeing, since Colin always looked around while talking. He admired the computer, examining every wire and detail throughout his body, Tony zoned out for a moment, not even noticing that he impulsively laid his hand on top of Colin's hand. Colin looked over into Tony's eyes, causing Tony to zone back in and smile, Tony scooted closer to Colin and wrapped his arm around his side.
"Keep talking, I'm still listening."
Colin blushed heavily and smiled, he continued to ramble about his interests and hobby's, as Tony thought more and more. Eventually, it was beginning to hit dinner time, and both of them were very hungry, Tony got up and offered his hand to Colin, as they walked hand in hand, they came across a fancy rooftop restaurant, that Colin seemed to be eyeing. Tony decided that this was the right place to eat, he has enough money for two meals, so he walked on in, Colin in hand. Colin seemed mesmerized by the interior design of the restaurant, he was especially pleased when they were taken to a private rooftop dining area, streamed with fairy lights and a beautiful view of the large city around them. Tony sat across from Colin, looking into his eyes and holding his hands as Colin looked at the view, and Tony looked at Colin. Tony sighed, realizing just how in love with him he was, he tightened his hand hold and rubbed his thumb against the side of Colin's first finger, Colin finally looked Tony in the eyes as well, Colin never really liked eye contact, it made him uncomfortable, but this made him feel safe.
"There was...something you wanted to tell me earlier, right?" Tony smiled at Colin.
Colin blushed and broke eye contact again. "Yeah...there was..."
Tony lifted Colin's head, having them again make eye contact, Colin smiled, he felt butterflies in his stomach as Tony touched his face.
"Well why don't you tell me now? We're all alone up here, if it's such a big thing, at least I'll be the only one to know it!"
Colin held his breath and blushed heavily, Tony waiting patiently for the answer.
Finally Colin released his breath and looked in
Tony's eyes. "I've been in love with you since we've met and I've never gotten the chance to tell you because we were always so stressed about the show and I thought you'd never love me back because I've always been so different from you and even though we've been friends for so long I've never gotten the courage to say anything because I thought you'd hate me-"
A very loud silence ensued.
Tony's eyes sparkled with relief as he smiled, holding Colin's hands tighter. "Really...? You really feel that way?"
Colin pulled his hands away and buried his head in his hands. "Yeah...I'm sorry...."
Tony put his hand on Colin's arm and lifted his head with his other hand. "Sorry for what...?"
Colin, sighs. "I don't know...that I've kept it from you for so long...? That you probably hate me for feeling such a weird feeling about you? I can think of many reasons I should be sorry...."
Tony looked Colin in the eyes, and leaned in for a kiss. For a moment Colin was stunned as their mouths met in an interlock of love, but he closed his eyes and held Tony tightly, admiring the sudden moment of affection. Tony looked Colin in the eyes again and smiled. "And none of those reasons are true. I understand why you kept it from me for so long, we were in a stressful situation, and you couldn't really do much with your feelings at the time. And I don't hate you...I love you."
Colin felt his heart flutter with pure joy, Tony leaned in for one more kiss, and before he could even get close to Colin, Colin rushed to the other side of the table and kissed him himself. A beautiful new opportunity for the pair, as they now have their own adventures to figure out together.

Gay people???? (Fluffybird DigitalTime DHMIS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon