1 - Lunch

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It's 11:55 pm and I have this random burst of writers unblock/motivation so i've written this lol

It's not quite edited yet, don't mind typos or weird grammar/phrasing if you see any 💀 i'll fix it tomorrow


"Rose, Hugo, Albus, Lily, James! It's time for lunch!" Mum called.

"Coming!" I replied as I checkmated Albus' king. "And that's how you win chess."

Hugo cheered as Albus groaned. Lily looked up from the storybook she'd been reading. "Darn it, I really thought I had you there! I guess you really do have Uncle Ron's skills," Albus whined. Lily continued reading, disinterested.

James gave Albus a disappointed look. "I could have won her ages ago. You see, 7 turns ago, when her bishop was still on square e3, you should have–"

"James, give your brother a break," I cut in, not wanting them to fight again. "You heard what Mum said, it's time for lunch!" Everyone cheered as they all piled out of my room to the dining table downstairs. Hugo was staring at the chessboard. I picked up him into a piggyback and ran down the stairs, making him squeal with laughter.

By the time we were down, everyone was already seated. "Hurry up, Rosie!" Albus called, patting the empty chair next to him. I put Hugo down by his seat and hurried to where Albus was.

Once I was seated, Mum walked in with hovering plates of sandwiches, guided by her wand. "Here you kids go." The platters landed softly on the table. "Dig in!"

On cue, James snatched the ham and cheese sandwich Albus was reaching for. He bit into the bread, eyeing his brother smugly. Albus looked like he was going to say something so I grabbed his arm. My gesture worked as he relaxed slightly and took a different slice.

I grabbed a piece for myself and chatted to Albus and James about the quidditch and how both Uncle Harry and Auntie Ginny are great players, so of course Albus will be amazing on a broom just like James(who was apparently a natural).

The rest of the afternoon passed as a blur and before we knew it, the time was 8 pm and Uncle Harry and Auntie Ginny were knocking at the front door to collect my cousins. We all protested and begged our parents for a sleepover. Dad and Uncle Harry looked like they were about to say yes but then Mum said "No, your dads are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow for Rosie and Albus' school supplies!" which shut Albus and I up, although the others started whining about why they couldn't go to Hogwarts early.

Once the Potter family was finally gone, I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed, clutching my pillow as I curled onto my side.

Sometime during the night, I was woken up by a pair of small hands shaking me. "Who's there?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"It's me," said Hugo's quiet voice. "I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you?"

"Of course," I replied and moved over. Hugo climbed in and I pulled him toward him, drawing warmth from his small body. After a few minutes, I heard his soft snoring and smiled. Strangely enough, I never fought much with my siblings, unlike Albus and James who were like little devils when in a 10 metre proximity of each other. With smile on my face, I slowly drifted to sleep.

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