History of the word "Christian".

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"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried."- G.K. Chesterton

This will be Part 2 of the "Define Christian". In this blog we will look at the history of the word "Christian" in the context of it's early origins. We will look at things such as: What were they called prior to "Christians", Jesus's real name and the validity of the word Christ being attributed to Jesus.

1. What were they called prior to "Christians"?

In the New Testament "Christians" were referred to as "Nazarenes"

Acts 24:5, " For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes"

In this specific text, some historians would argue that it is Paul is being described as a trouble-maker and a leader of the "Narazenes". This is interesting because Matthew 2:22-23 states, "But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets, that he would be called a Nazarene." This would signify that if anything, Jesus's followers should have identified as "Nazarenes". If his followers were trying to keep the authenticity of Jesus being sent by God and having status within the lineage of the Prophets, they would have wanted to keep to what The Prophets said who was to come. Which leaves us with two options:

Option 1- Paul had taken over for Jesus of NAZARETH" in leading the "sect of the Nazarenes"

Option 2- To keep in accordance with what the Prophets spoke to come, they are referring to Jesus in Acts 24:5 due to Jesus being from Nazareth

*Other names that were attributed to Jesus's Followers were: Disciples, Saints and Believers.

2. What was Jesus's real name?

Jesus's real name in Hebrew is, Yeshua. Yeshua translated to English is Joshua.  According to the Gospels, Early Church Texts and Fathers of Antiquity, Jesus is referred to as Iesous, which is the Greek's translation of the English name "Joshua". Exactly why in the Mel Gibson's film "Passion of the Christ", Jesus's Mother, Mary refers to him as "Yeshua", not Jesus.

3. Where did the name "Christ" originate from? How did it  get attributed to Jesus?

The Jewish people were awaiting their King. King translated into Hebrew was Messiah. Then, Messiah translated into Greek is "Christos""Christos" translated into English is "Christ".  All these variations were meant to be defined as "Chosen one" or "Anointed one". What believers should be made aware of is the fact that, the Old Testament never explicitly states a "coming Messiah". Isaiah 7 gives the signs of "Immanuel" (Not Jesus, not Yeshua , Iesous or Christ).

Keeping it in the context of the time period, a Jewish person would not have a last name. They would be called by their first name and "son of *inserts father's name*". Also, it was common in that time period to be called your first name and followed by your profession, too.(Ex. Shawn, the Writer)

We are aware of the many great miracles that Jesus performed. We are aware of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made to ransom humanity back to God's salvation. So, it is not far-fetched to connect why the Believers of Jesus attached the "Christ" (Anointed one) to end of his name. But, how did the most popular religion become Christians and not Jesusians or Jesuits ? The suffix "an" means: belong to or connected with a group, place or type. If you did not make the connection, I will help you out. Follow me:

JESUS   +   CHRIST   = Jesus CHRIST , which also equals Christ-ians.

(Again, Jesus never uttered the word "Christian". Matter of fact, the word "Christian" was introduced after Jesus's death.)

4. Where do this leave the Believer?

Merriam-Webster provides the following definition(s) of "Christian": one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus, a member of one of the Churches of Christ separating from the Disciples of Christ in 1906 or a member of the Christian denomination having part in the union of the United Church of Christ concluded in 1961.

This put a Believer in a complex position because if one is to adhere to God and remain faithful to God, does that mean a Believer have to carry the label,"Christian"? Jesus was definitely "anointed" and "chosen by God". So was Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac etc. They did not carry the title, "Christianity". To bring it to modern times, the name Jesus Christ would translate "Jesus, the Anointed One". That would mean that Christians aren't "Christ-like" by definition. They are a bunch of "Anointed Ones" following in the teachings of the "Anointed One".

This means for the Believer, the label "Christian" is not a carry over from Jesus's actual name, technically. It does stem from Jesus being given the title "Christ" (Anointed One). We have been greatly misled to believe that the definition of "Christian" means to be "Christ-like". That is misleading because others who do not take time to research the origin of the word "Christ" would assume that "Christ" is Jesus's real name. In actuality, Christ is the mere title given to Jesus.

Therefore, it is okay for Believers to be associated with or called, "Christian". Kept in context, a Believer is not committing "idolatry" when taking up the Christian title.

Shawnalations 1:2
"If you follow blindly, the leader could be on the edge of hell and you wouldn't know until you're feeling the heat".

*Disclaimer: Take Em' To Sunday School is not meant to overwhelm readers with information that they cannot grasp in one read. We take topics apart, piece by piece in order for readers to fully grasp the concepts that are being taught.

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