Moving back to his desk, the rat found his laptop, and checked if it was operational. Indeed it was, and so he started to get to work. "Indeed. We will find them. However, you should get back to the dorms. It is the weekend, after all, and you students deserve to have your weekends."
Izuku smiled, "Thanks." He left.

Over the next two days, nothing happened. Bakugo didn't show up, and everything settled back to normal. The fact that nothing had yet happened worried him far more than finding out he was attacking immediately. It meant he was being smart, and that was far more dangerous than if he were to attack immediately. On Sunday, though, he had been given a chance to go home, and see his mother. She informed him that Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo would be over for dinner, as well. Inko was worried that Izuku would react negatively to them, but he was fine with it. He knew that they weren't Katsuki.

Walking home, he thought about what the future could bring. Nothing good, at this point. Things had gone too far. Katsuki would have to be dealt with. Permanently. He sighed as he prepared for the evening, wondering what was for dinner.

When the couple arrived, Mitsuki was less cheerful than usual, but still had her award-winning smile. The only way Izuku could tell was by looking at her eyes. He smiled in return when Inko and her hugged, greeting each other after a while. Breaking the hug, she turned to Izuku. "When I heard you went missing a while back, I was so worried. I'm glad to see you are alright."
"Never better." He responded. "I'm glad to see you're good as well, Auntie." The greenette turned to Musaru, "And you, Uncle."
He only smiled, as they were ushered inside. When they sat down, there was a lot of catch up. Izuku explained how his school life was, while avoiding the very noticeable elephant in the room. He was about to discuss his new teacher when Mitsuki asked, her face downcast. "I... I heard that Katsuki was in your class... and I heard a lot of things... what really happened?"

Izuku sighed, not wanting to talk about this. But, the Bakugo's deserved to know. "Katsuki has not been my friend since I was 4."

The adults thought about what that meant, while Inko already knew. In her own way, she had been paying attention, and it was now that Izuku realized that all of those times he hid or lied about his injuries... she had figured out the truth.

"But... that was since... your diagnosis..." Musaru said.

Mitsuki's eyes widened, "He didn't."
"Over the years, he bullied me, physically and mentally. Even using his quirk to do so. I..." He paused. "I still have the scars."

"That... that brat! How..."
However, before Mitsuki could get stirred into a frenzy, Musaru asked, "How does this relate to... yesterday?"
"It was context. After he finally crossed the final line by telling me to kill myself." Everyone gasped. Not even Inko knew about that. "...I was... taken. Kidnapped. There were a lot of other victims too... I eventually escaped, but not without taking a powerful tool. I... I can finally become a hero. But, my escape was a teleport right into the middle of the USJ incident."

"Did Katsuki notice you were there?"
"Honestly, no. He had no clue until I was put into his class. I think he was put off by the fact that I was now stronger than him, and that I could overpower his quirk with the Auris."
Inko smiled smugly, "And the fact you got a girlfriend, right?"
Mitsuki gasped for a moment as Izuku's face went red with embarrassment, "Izuku, you little charmer, who's the lucky girl?"
"Well..." The TV in the living room switched on, and Izuku turned to see what was going on. The screen showed a well. "Speak of the Onryo..."

Everyone watched as Sadako clambered out of the TV, and stood up. Parting her hair. She frantically walked towards Izuku, "It's happening soon. We have to hurry our defenses."
Izuku stopped her, "Calm down. We have guests."

"Huh?" She looked around at the curious gazes of the group. "Uh... I thought you were at the dorms?"
"It's Sunday night. Wanted to spend it with Mom."
"Ok." She accepted that before bowing to the other two. "Hello. I am Sadako Yamamura."

"She is so pretty Izuku!" She then thought about the name for a moment, "Wait, from those ringu movies?"
"Yeah..." Izuku paused. Better to get this part now, then later. "The movies are based on her. Well, in our world, they're fiction, but the events... her backstory... it did happen."
"In our world?"
"Yeah, we were kinda taken by an interdimensional goddess who devours souls and hope. She put us through trials, with one killer, four survivors. It was the most efficient way it could think of to get hope, and I met Sadako there. Point is, for the past week, Katsuki has been manipulated by this goddess, who wants to completely devour our world. It's done so with countless other realities, and he revealed it to me when we were in a practice spar. He used a pink glyph, something that can make all attacks lethal. I have a feeling the only reason he is even working with it is because he hates me so much. He then attacked Allmight, Nezu, and Detective Tsukauchi, and was therefore expelled. The biggest problem is that he hasn't done anything yet. And that worries me more."

"You want to work with us now? After your little... stint at UA? Why the change of heart, hero?" The man's voice asked distainfully. He was hidden in the shadows, unnerved that this ex-hero student had found him.

"Because I need a bit of revenge. Don't you like the sound of that?"

"I admit, I do." He grinned, as best he could with his ruined face. He continued, "Then I need you to do something for me first... my protegee is currently imprisoned. Free him, and I will assist you with connections."
"Sounds good to me." The blond grinned maliciously. He turned and left, flanked by two other individuals. They hadn't spoken, but didn't need to. The man thought about what the boy just said. Someone stronger than Allmight? Possibly stronger than me? I will have to be cautious with this group. It's unusual that I've never heard of this... Black Veil... before now... but if they have similar goals to me, then why not? Allmight crippled my first plan. I can always make another.

The villain laughed to himself as the night's silence closed in.

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