II. Chapter Two

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Note: Here's another chapter! This is about our baby Toni.

Toni woke up almost falling out of bed, which was surprising considering how big the bed was. She also woke up completely lost and confused about where she was. Two years in that house and she still couldn't believe she lived in a «fucking manor». After so many shitty foster homes and foster parents, it felt like a dream. At least, until she heard a scream from downstairs.

"Mom, for fuck's sake, it was one day! One freaking day! I'm not gonna die for it."

Well, now she was sure she wasn't dreaming. Her dreams certainly did not include an annoying girl screaming at six in the morning. At least, not screaming that type of things.

Toni sighed when she entered her private bathroom. She would gladly put up with the screaming girl if that was her reward. I mean, having food on the table and being treated as a human being and not like a worm was also pretty cool and clearly an improvement from the others foster homes – that were not few.

After doing her mourning routine, she headed to the kitchen. The yelling was still audible.

"It's your future, Fatin. You have to take it seriously!"

A middle-aged woman was standing in the middle of the room right in front of a teenager. Sitting at the table, two little boys were eating their breakfast as nothing was happen. Since her first day in that house, Toni learnt that this was a recurrent thing there.

"I already told you! It was only one rehearsal. I'm not gonna fucking lose my future and end up homeless because of it." Fatin replied. Oh, the cello... Toni was not surprised that was the matter of the argument.

"And I already told you to not curse in front of your brothers!" The older woman hissed and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"Oh, c'mon. They probably heard worst at school. Am I right?"

The children kept eating. They didn't even noticed that they were now the topic of the conversation.

"Toni, honey, why did you let her skip rehearsal yesterday?"

Toni stopped buttering her French bread and looked at her. Toni really respected, even liked, the woman a lot. She, unlike all her other foster parents, really wanted Toni there. It was not about money – that woman had enough money to buy all the neighborhood – or about showing how good and generous she was for taking care of the poor foster kid. She really liked and cared about her. She treated her like her own daughter. But, as much as Shalifoe respected her, Fatin wasn't her responsibility.

"No offense, Rana, but I'm not her babysitter. Besides I didn't even know she had skipped it."

Fatin pointed at Toni and looked at her mother like she had won the argument.

"For the first time, I agree with her. Neither is she my goddamn babysitter nor am I a child to need one!"

"If you're not a child, then stop acting like one, for god's sake. And eat your breakfast, please, you're going to be late, and you already jeopardized your future enough for a week."

Fatin sat at the table, looking – ironically – like an angry child. When tempers calmed down, Rana asked the teenagers if one of them could take Admad and Kemar to school.

"I'll take them. I don't want my little brother arriving at school in that old can Toni calls car. I still can't understand why did you buy that shit." The taller girl responded.

Toni rolled her eyes. She was really proud of her car that she bought with her own money and couldn't care less about Jadmani's opinion.

"And I still can't understand why you care about my car, that I bought with my money which I earn doing my job." Toni retorted, emphasizing the words. "But, yeah, you can take them. I still have to get Martha at home, which is out of the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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