Chapter One

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My name is Annabeth Chase. I am the daughter of Athena. I am the last demigod. I have outlived the gods. And it is chaos. Gaea had thrown everyone, including my sweet, sassy seaweed brain, into tarturous.(i dont know how to spell tarturous so feel free to correct me) I wasn't with Percy and my mother because I had been knocked unconscious and been hidden away while the monsters came and took everyone away. Gaea did know I was alive though. But she didn't kill me. And she wouldn't. She relishes in the fact that I am alone, unable to do anything. I am a gnat that hasn't annoyed her enough to kill yet. So I live my days out in the streets. I don't have a house or a job. I fight monsters all day, everyday. It gets tiring after a while but the thought of my family, my friends, and i suppose Zeus, kept me going, kept me motivated. It's been 2 years. I am nineteen. But still I continue to fight. I fight because I can't, I won't, accept defeat. I will never accept defeat.

Today is Tuesday. Surprisingly, no monsters have made an appearance yet so I'm packing my bag to go find them. I'm not going far, just New York City, but I don't plan to come back to Manhattan. I walk along the streets of New York, making note of every small pdetail, every person's face. I couldn't risk being caught off guard. And if that meant I had to stay awake for six days in a row, so be it. I see a person ahead of me, talking loudly on their phone. Their wallet is sticking out of their back pocket. Perfect. I get closer to the person, discreetly taking their wallet as I pass them. They didn't even spare me a glance. I scoff. That was ridiculously easy, even for a person not paying attention. I glance at their wallet to see how much cash was possibly in it. I never used cards because those are traceable.

Something looks off about the money, I note. I take the money out and carefully examine it. The money was counterfeit. I groan in frustration and toss the wallet in a nearby trash can. There goes my paycheck. Now I know stealing is wrong. And I've never approved of it but I'm desperate. I can't get a job. I can't put all those people in danger. Since I'm the only demigod left, dozens more monsters come after me. I reach New York City in just under six hours. It might have been more for mortals but I'm used to long distances. I glance around at my surroundings and I spot the Avengers Tower in the distance. I shudder. That place was the most technology ridden place I've ever heard of. Best to stay away from it unless I need to find more monsters.

"Annabeth Chase. You're not dead yet?" Kelli's voice sounds from behind me.

I whip around, silently cursing myself. How couldI have missed her? That was stupid of me.

"Obviously not." My voice is venomous.

"Let's change that then shall we?" Her grin is malicious.

I take out my dagger and lunge at her. I don't have time for silly banter. She dodges to the side but I move with her. I stab her heart and burst into dust. Monsters like Kelli were very easy for me to destroy now. War did that to you I suppose. I look up at the sun and estimate that it's around noon. I have to get started if I want to meet my daily quota of destroying 100 monsters a day. It seems like a big goal and it would been for old me. But new me can defeat over a hundred if I so choose. I don't though because, as much as I hate it, I'm still human. Well, half human. But I still need to eat. I still need rest. I walk to the park and sit down at a bench. Children run around as their parents walk behind them. Lovers and friends sit on the grass or walk around. My heart aches as I watch them. Percy and I used to be like that. Happy. In love.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" A voice interrupts my thoughts.

I look up at the person who spoke to me. It is a teenage boy, maybe four or five years younger than me. He has curly brown hair and big brown doe-like eyes. He has a look of concern on his face as he waits for me to respond. I grit my teeth and give him a glare.

"I'm fine." I snap.

I feel bad when I see the hurt look on his face but I can't be nice. I can't show that I care. Gaea kills everyone that I show any bit of caring towards. And this kids looks nice. I don't want him to pay with his life just because he was worried about me.

"O-okay. Well bye then!" The kid waves at me and walks off in the direction of the avengers tower.

I sigh and get up. There is very little of the day left to mee my goal so I better get started. I look around but no monsters are in sight. It's an odd feeling, not seeing danger. But I need the danger right now. I need to focus on fighting and keeping my skills sharp. So I follow the kid to the Avengers Tower. That should attract enough monsters for me to kill. I turn down an alley way close enough to the technology that I can be tracked but mot close enough for people to see me. And I wait.

I don't have to wait long. Almost instantly, monsters come out of nowhere and start attacking me. I fight them off, killing them quickly. I'm not sure where monsters go to regenerate anymore but I do know that they won't be coming back for a while. That doesn't mean there's not more though.

"This is sad. All you can't overcome even one of me." I taunt. "It's pretty pathetic if you ask me."

That only made them more enraged. They attack me, anger in their eyes and in their movements. I continue to dance around, stabbing and slicing them with my dagger. Then the Hydra comes. I haven't seen one since the battle against Gaea. The other monsters flee, assuming that I'll be taken down by the hydra. I size up the hydra then put my dagger in its sheath. I reach into my pocket, my hand curling around Riptide. Percy had given it to me in the last moments we had together. He'd said it would protect me if he couldn't. Then he had rushed into battle with a regular sword and I had fallen unconscious from blood loss.

It is all I have left of him. Using it again feels good. It feels like he's here with me. The hydras heads come at me from all directions. I duck down and roll closer to its body. I couldn't cut off the heads. They would just grow more. I have to stab it in the heart. Which, I'll admit, isn't the easiest thing to do. But it has to be done. A head blocks me and tries to bite my face. I block it with Riptide and it bellows in pain as it bites the sword. I smack another head with the flat of my blade as it comes near me.

I decide to change my plan. I run in the opposite direction the side of an apartment building where a ladder hangs. The hydra freezes in confusion for a moment when I don't rush to attack it. That's all the head-start I need. I jump onto the ladder and start climbing as fast as I can, Riptide still in my hand. The hydra unfreezes and runs after me. I climb faster, fear starting to creep into my mind. But I push it away. There's no time to be afraid. One of the heads gets ahold of my foot and I give a shout of pain. I try to yank my foot away but its teeth are locked around my ankle. It won't be letting go anytime soon. So I do the one thing I probably shouldn't. I slice through its neck, effectively separating the head from its body. It staggers back and I pry the lifeless head off me. My ankle looks horrible but I'll deal with that later. I climb to a balcony slightly higher than the hydra and stand up on the railing. The hydra now has eight heads and all of them are furiously trying to reach me. I gauge the distance to its body, to its heart, and take a deep breath. I push myself off the ledge, Riptide aimed down. I fly over the heads and start falling. If I aimed correctly, Riptide should hit exactly where its heart is. The fall will hurt but its better than dealing with a hydra. The sword plunges right through the middle of its heart and the hydra turns to dust. I fall the rest of the distance to the ground and land on my side. I hear a crack and I feel pain in my arm. I must have broken it. But at least the hydra was gone.

I cap Riptide and limp out of the alley way, having fought enough monsters for the day. I walk back to the park and sit on the bench I had been sitting on earlier. I need to actually sleep tonight. I can't last much longer without it. I will deal with my arm  tomorrow. I lay down and look at the stars. There aren't many but I can see a couple.

"I'll get everyone back." I promise. "I will bring back the gods and everyone who stood against Gaea. I will restore order."

I made the same promise every night. I have been for the last two years. And it may not have happened yet but it will. I will make sure of that.

"Goodnight, Percy." I whisper.

My eyes slowly close and I drift to sleep.

Daughter of Athena(PjoxAvenger crossover)Where stories live. Discover now