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Ophelia had never been so relieved when she arrived back at the Slytherin carriage and Draco wasn't there. He and Pansy had been summoned to the Prefect carriage for the start of term meeting and would probably be there until they arrived at Hogwarts. How Parkinson and Draco had managed to become Prefects, she'd never know. However, in that moment, she was just happy she didn't have to burn under his scrutinizing glare for the rest of the train ride.

     As soon as the train came to a screeching halt, Ophelia, Blaise and the other fifth year Slytherins pushed their way out of the train, she eyed Parkinson, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle up ahead, roughly shoving students out of their way to get to the carriages.

     "Great models for the younger students, aren't they?" Blaise laughed as they waited in line patiently for their own carriage. Ophelia felt like she was living through déjà vu. It was exactly one year ago when she and Draco weren't on speaking terms on the first day of term, him pretending she didn't exist. It was like she was living it all over again, but this time she cared.

      When they finally reached the front of the line, Ophelia instictively took two steps back when she saw the massive creature pulling the carriage. She wondered if this was something new that Hogwarts was doing. She'd never seen these horses beforeif that's what she could even call them. Looking around, Ophelia noted that no one else seemed to be bothered by the new creatures pulling the previously horseless carriages. Had she just not noticed them before?

     "What's with the horses?" She asked Blaise quietly.

     He turned to look at her quizzically. "What horses?"

     "Nevermind." She muttered, climbing into the carriage behind Theodore Nott. Daphne was already sat inside and sent her a quick smile, as if to say 'we'll talk later'.

     The ride to the castle was quiet and uneventful. It was almost as if everyone was too afraid to say anything. They all eyed Ophelia nervously before quickly looking away when she'd catch them. She glanced back down at her lap. She hated this.

      Grateful that Peeves decided not to grace the Entrance Hall with surprise water balloons this year, Ophelia found her place at the Slytherin table next to Blaise. She could see Draco sitting further down the table, speaking animatedly with Pansy Parkinson. Ophelia could tell he was actively avoiding her gaze, so she shook her head and returned her own gaze to the head table, noticing the change in staff once again this year.

     She was glad not to see Mad-Eye Moody this year. She wasn't sure how his presence would have affected her, even if he was the real Moody and had no idea what his imposter had done to her. In Hagrid's place, Professor Grubbly-Plank sat, and a wave of relief washed through Ophelia. No Skrewts. There was also a woman she didn't recognize in the cursed Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's seat. She was dressed sickeningly in all pink, she even adorned a pink bonnet atop her brown curls. Ophelia wanted to vomit, she preferred to stick to wearing black.

     "Who the bloody hell is that woman?" Blaise asked her, his lips turning down into a deep frown. "Looks miserable."

     Ophelia shrugged. "Definitely doesn't look the type to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts."

     The doors to the Great Hall swung open then, and Professor McGonagall entered while leading the group of shy looking first years down the aisle between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. The group of tiny eleven year olds gathered around the stool placed directly in front of the staff table. Atop it sat the familiar, yet irritating Sorting Hat, looking even more tattered this year.

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