Chapter 19 - Spark a Fire

Start from the beginning

Her words had tumbled from her mouth in a hectic rush. Not sure how to comfort her, Orion put his arm around her shoulders, ready to draw back at a moment's notice should he overstep his mark.

"Matthew did this?" he asked quietly, struggling to keep his voice level.

"He was so angry with me," Lizzie replied miserably, wiping at her eyes with the ball of her hand. "I told him to leave, and then he gripped my shoulder so hard it hurt. He's never been this furious with me before. Oh, I'm going to be in so much trouble for this."

Her crying intensified at her last words, each of her sobs cutting into Orion's heart. He had never liked Matthew - for more than the obvious reasons - but knowing that he had raised a hand against Lizzie was too much, even for him.

"You won't be in trouble," he told her, softly but firmly. "I will not let him hurt you, I promise. Where is he now?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know either," Lizzie shuddered. "Wait, where are you going?"

Orion had let go and stepped away from her. "I'm going to find him."

"Orion, no, wait! Please!"

He was almost past her when Lizzie's hand on his shoulder made him stop.

"Don't go," she whispered so quietly that he could scarcely hear her. "Don't leave me alone. Not again."

His fury fanned out at the pain in her voice. Acutely aware of how close she was to him, Orion closed his eyes.

"What do you want from me, Lizzie?"

Her laugh was shaky. "A hug would be really nice right now."

No sooner had she finished speaking that he turned and wrapped his arms around her. He held her close as she began to cry again, doing his best to push aside the fluttery feeling in his chest. This was not the time; Lizzie had come looking for a friend, and he would make sure not to let her down again.

After a while, Lizzie's shoulders stopped shaking but even after she had ceased crying altogether, she didn't move away from him. The two of them just stood there without speaking, the moment was too fragile for words.

Eventually, Lizzie raised her head away from his chest. Tears were still glistening in her eyes, but there was a spark in them as she looked at him. Her eyes dropped to his lips, and Orion held his breath as...

"Orion, are you home?"

The sound of a voice in the hallway had them hastily break apart. They stepped away from each other just as Morgaine walked into the living room. Orion took a subtle step to the side, blocking her view of Lizzie hurriedly wiping the tear stains from her face.

"Sorry, the door was open," Morgaine said, looking between Orion and Lizzie with her eyebrows raised. "I thought it was alright if I came in."

"My door is always open for friends," Orion said cheerfully, despite his heart beating in his ears. "What can I do for you, Morgaine?"

"I really could use some more help with this balancing thing." She craned her head, trying to catch a glimpse of Lizzie behind Orion's back. "Looks like I wasn't the only one with this idea. Or what else would she be doing here?"

"I could ask you the same," Lizzie said stiffly as she stepped out from behind Orion's back. Her eyes were still puffy, but she had regained most of her composure.

"Clean out your ears. I need Orion's help."

"And I'm sure the prospect of him holding your hand had nothing to do with why you couldn't wait until tomorrow."

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