If he did something to her…

“It’s about the dress.” Emma said quietly, making me look at her.

My stomach turned as soon as I remembered it. I was going to kill the fucking cop who left it there.

“What about it?” I asked, trying to stay calm.

Emma looked at Chris again, making me frown. Why the fuck was she looking at him constantly?!

Emma looked back at me and took a deep breath.

“It isn’t mine.” she said quietly.

My eyebrows furrowed. Of course it was hers. I knew that as soon as I saw it. It was the same fucking dress she was wearing the day I almost lost her. I couldn’t forget that dress even if I wanted to.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, feeling very confused.

“It is very similar to my dress, but it isn’t the same.” Emma said. “My dress had a small stain on the bottom and two rows of lace. This dress has only one row and there is no stain.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. What the fuck?

“If that is not your dress…” I mumbled quietly.

“It is probably the dress that Derek was making.” Chris finished the sentence for me.

My heart stopped beating. I could feel my stomach twist and turn.

He had a helper. Someone was in this room. Someone left it here. Someone wanted to hurt Emma. Again.

My hands wrapped around Emma immediately. I lifted her up and placed her on my lap. She leaned her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me.

“Are you sure it’s not yours?” I asked, my voice raspy.

Maybe she didn’t get a good look. She saw the fucking dress for a few seconds before she gave it to Hazel. Maybe she missed the stain. Maybe she missed the second row of lace.

Oh, fuck, please let it be true.

“Yes.” Emma said quietly. “I went to Hazel’s room to get a better look at it. It’s not mine.”

My heart skipped a million fucking beats. She left the room to look at the dress. She was alone outside. What if the fucker was here somewhere? What if he took her?

I was going to pass out.

“He has a fucking helper.” I mumbled angrily.

“Yes.” Chris nodded. “We need to call the police.”

“My phone is on the nightstand.” I said, looking down at Emma. “Call Peters, now.”

Chris nodded and walked over to my nightstand. He took the phone and unlocked it. I saw him scrolling through my contacts and pressing dial when he found Peters’ number. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

“Nobody will hurt you again.” I mumbled as I kissed the top of Emma’s head. “I promise. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Emma looked up at me worriedly.

“I will be okay, Mason.” she said softly. “I am more worried about you than me.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Why?”

“I don’t want you to worry.” she said. “I don’t want you to be afraid. I want you to be safe and happy. I don’t want to hurt you, but I keep hurting you.”

What was she talking about? When did she hurt me?

“You never hurt me.” I said, confused. “What are you talking about?”

“I did.” she sighed. “If I hadn’t come here, none of this would have happened. You wouldn’t have to go through all of this. You would have to deal with our parents or this situation.”

If she hadn’t come here, I would be the same cold bastard I was. I would be a lost and hurt little boy, filled with sadness and hatred. She saved me.

“Are you crazy?” I said, placing my hand on her head and pressing her closer to me. “You coming here was the best fucking thing that happened to me. I don’t give a shit about all that I had to go through. I just wish that you didn’t have to go through it. Please don’t ever say that you shouldn’t have come here. We wouldn’t be able to be together right now.”

Just thinking about not having her in my life hurt like fucking hell. I had no fucking idea how I managed to live without her for 9 years.

Emma’s arms around me tightened. “You are right. I am sorry. I just wish I could protect you from this.”

“I know.” I mumbled, rubbing her back soothingly. “But don’t worry about that, okay? It’s my job to protect you, and I am happiest when you are right next to me.”

“You guys have nothing to worry about.” Hazel said, making me look at her. “You have one of the best sibling bonds I’ve ever seen. As long as you have each other, you will be just fine.”

I almost forgot about her and Jax. They were sitting on my bed, holding hands and watching Emma and me with a small smile on their faces.

“Thank you, guys.” I said, leaning my head on Emma’s.

The bedroom door opened, and Chris walked back inside.

“Peters will be here soon.” he said, handing my phone back to me. “I explained to him what happened. He is bringing the forensic team with him.”

I nodded and tightened my hold on Emma.

I’ll be damned if anyone tries to take her away from me again.

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