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This is basically the welcoming page. You can comment ideas if you think of any, and I'll explain a bit about the book itself.

It's essentially about a teenage girl, aged 14, who struggles with things such as friendship, loss, home life, crushes, and other things as well. But everything changes for her when she realises she has magical powers.

I won't tell you what the magical powers are yet, but they are supposedly interesting and unique. Actually, comment if you think of any good ones.

Also, if you think this book could have some other stuff added in to it, go ahead. And suggestions for characters are welcome, of course.

This is not my first book, I've just deleted all of my other ones, as they were total fails. So you won't be able to find any of them. Not that you would want to, obviously.

And, at the end of every chapter, I will give a riddle. Comment your answer (NO GOOGLING) if you figure it out. Here's the one for this chapter:

--I have cities but no people, rivers but no water, and forests but no trees. What am I?--

Okay, see you in the next chapter! I luv u btw! *smiles at you*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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