Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

I swallowed hard as I looked down at the woman in my arms. She didn't squirm or try to get free. She just stayed there, watching me, waiting to see what my next move would be.

"Sorry, Tess," I whispered.

Her eyes closed as my hot breath skimmed her cheeks. "It's okay, Levi. No harm done."

Just then, the toaster popped, breaking us out of our confusing, sexually charged moment of insanity. I slowly dropped my arms, letting her move from my grasp. The energy in the room was heavily charged, and I wasn't the only one who noticed.

I glanced at the couple sitting at the island. They were watching Tessa and me with wide eyes. I pretended not to notice, but I knew Jason and Charlotte had just witnessed the whatever-the-hell-that-was between Tessa and me.

They shared a look that mirrored my own racing mind- what the fuck was that?

I turned around, unable to watch as they tried to unpack what had just happened. My heart was pounding as I grabbed my breakfast, well aware of the woman standing only a foot away doing the same.

Every fiber of my being was tuned in to Tessa. It was like I could sense every move she made- just like I used to. It was familiar and terrifying.

On the one hand, I enjoyed the adrenaline-like rush she spurred inside me. On the other, I wanted to squash the feeling and bury it deep so I'd never risk getting hurt by her ever again.

When I sat down at the table, hoping to put space between us, I couldn't help but glance up at her. The moment I did that, I regretted it. What I saw only made my confusion worse.

Tessa was looking at me with a torn expression. She looked like she was having the same internal battle that I was. I looked away before I could make it any worse.

Why the fuck can't I just go back to hating her?

Why is the universe torturing me with these familiar feelings all over again?

I ate my breakfast in silence, glad that Tessa sat at the island with J and Char instead of at the dining table where I was. With effort, I trained my eyes on my food, refusing to look at her but wanting so badly to do so.

Our tiny bit of contact in the kitchen was enough to make my dick stir. I was half hard as I sat eating my toast and eggs, trying to will away my erection.

Why is this so difficult?

Why can't I just move on and leave her in the past where she belongs?

As my thoughts plagued me, I let my eyes wander to the island absent-mindedly. Jason and Char were talking about last-minute wedding details as Tessa nodded along. The moment my eyes landed on her, she looked my way as if sensing my gaze.

When our eyes met, I saw a familiar fire inside of them. It was the same lustful stare I'd noticed at the studio when my hand was on her leg as I hitched it high over my hip.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel something stir in my pants as we held that position. The dance wasn't one exes should practice together, but Tessa and I seemed to be gluttons for punishment, and the universe has one fucked up sense of humor.

My entire body felt the zing of our connection in that moment. I wanted her bad after that, and she seemed to feel the same. I should have gone for it, let off some steam, and helped both of us get through this last week without killing each other.

Maybe that's the solution.

My eyes narrowed as the thought hit me. Fuck, maybe that's all I need- all we both need- to let out some of this pent-up frustration. Maybe we just need to go a round or two to release the pressure our bodies have been building up around one another.

We just need a good old-fashioned hate fuck. Yeah, that's it.

Just a hot romp in the sheets to put these feelings to rest once and for all, then we can go back to normal. It will never be like it used to be, but maybe if we alleviate some of this tension, we can at least get back to a better place.

Hating her takes too much energy, and I'm running low on reserves.

Would she go for it?

The images of last night's dream come front and center once more as the possibility swirls in my head. We could make that a reality. Tessa and I could relive that night of passion again. Lord knows I haven't forgotten it; I doubt Tess has.

One night. Just one night. That's all we need. Then we can put this feud to rest.

But how do I convince her?

When I put my thoughts to rest for a moment, I realize I'm still looking at Tessa. The interesting thing- she's staring right back at me. And the look I saw earlier- it's still there, burning a hole through me as those emerald eyes bore right to my soul.

This may be easier than I thought.

A devious plan started forming in my mind as I watched Tessa through hooded eyes.

We have one more day at the dance studio. By the time this day is over, she'll come crawling to me, begging me to help her scratch that itch I know she has.

Before this week is through, I'll have Tessa right where I want her- on her knees, on her back, up against the wall, and maybe if she's lucky, bent over in the shower.

The idea took my dick from half-staff to raging in under ten seconds. I went to adjust myself but stopped, wanting to test out my theory. J and Char wouldn't see a thing with their backs to me. It was perfect.

Tessa had looked away, but I knew it wouldn't be long before those gorgeous greens landed on me again. I was right.

The moment she glanced my way again, I adjusted in my seat, letting her see how hard I was. When her eyes widened, I knew I'd hit the mark. Tessa didn't avert her gaze as she swallowed hard, training her eyes on my stiff erection.

To egg her on further, I fisted myself through my sweats, sliding my hand up and down a few times as she watched. Her eyes glazed over as she tracked my every move.

Oh yeah, this will work. If I know her at all, she's already soaked for me.

I smirked as I tucked myself into the band of my sweats, leaving Tessa wanting. Her eyes burned a hole through me as she zeroed in on my mouth. She knew I was teasing her. She knew I could see the longing in her gaze. Most importantly, she knew she wanted me.

I smiled as I looked away, focusing on my forgotten breakfast and now cold coffee.

This is going to be easy. 


Annnd back to present. Tessa and Levi are both fighting some conflicting feelings. Which ones will win out in the end? 

If you can't wait to find out, hit that vote button and leave a comment. Each time you do, you're sending out little waves of magic to help the story pass on to other readers like yourselves. Thank you all so much for joining these two on their wild ride! 

Until next time! 


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