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Chapter 11: Fire Power Li Mingyan Awakens Fire Power

The limbs of zombies in the yard are stacked together. The cut head was scattered around, and dirty blood flowed out of the rotten and dirty seven tricks, flowed to the ground and penetrated into the floor.

Song Sisi glanced and couldn't stand it with disgust. He turned his head to the other side and gave himself a refreshing elixir. When she looked up, her eyes flashed through the experiment garlic she planted.

I found something wrong with this garlic.

She moved forward to see more clearly.

A gust of wind blew, and the long seedlings of garlic swayed with the wind and put them on her little pink flowers.

Then Song Sisi saw an icon on the top of the garlic sprout: garlic (77 hours, 59 minutes/78 hours in growth).

I was studying it when I suddenly heard Li Mingyan's sharp voice: "Sister! Be careful!"

With Feng Dahua's shout: "Girl!"

There were also exclamation from the remaining two people.

Song Sisi resisted the impulse to look back, was in a hurry, rolled forward on the spot, knocking her head in pain. Before I stabilized my figure, I heard a loud "poof" sound behind him.

Looking back, a zombie rushed to her place just now.

Touch the axe, I can't carry it!

Fuck! I begged...

Lao Feng and the other three still had to deal with the remaining zombies. They couldn't come over. She didn't run as fast as the zombies. It was over... I had known that she had moved back to the house just now.

It's all the blame for the harvester blocking her sight.

Sure enough, is she still going to be bitten to death by a zombie? The power of the dog's plot is so powerful that the uncle and aunt are also...

In an instant, Song Sisi flashed all kinds of ideas in her heart, and finally turned her eyes to her little pink flower.

What about you pulling me on a half-moon trip to the end of the world?

The little pink flower did not respond, and Song Sisi closed his eyes with his fate.

Li Mingyan at the door of the villa watched the zombie rushing to Sister Sisi and was anxious. Feeling that the fire on her body had been burning more and more uncomfortable since she got up in the morning, she couldn't help roaring up at the sky.


Several fires spewed out of her and shot at the zombies in the yard. There is also a subtle ball between Song Sisi and the zombies who have rushed to her face.

The countdown to Song Sisi's death was extended.

The fire made her uncomfortable. As soon as she opened her eyes, she wondered: Which superpower passed by took action?

Feng Dahua's surprised voice corrected her cognition: "Mingyan awakened her powers! Fire is powerful, it's great!" After Lao Feng finished his knife to deal with the zombies opposite him, he was ready to come and solve the problem in front of Song Sisi.

But after all, Li Mingyan is just a child. She has just woken up and is not strong. The flame blocking the zombies began to get smaller and smaller, and the zombies in front of Song Sisi had opened their mouths.

Old Feng hasn't come yet.

Song Sisi: ... It's better not to give her hope.

Fuck, the zombie's mouth stinks! Song Sisi couldn't stand it anymore and tried her best to lift the axe to resist. If you can't swing it, you still have to fight for it.

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