Clef's Mistake

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Dr. Clef, a fresh new Doctor and Staff Trainer to-be, was walking through the Heavy Containment section to get to his colleague's office, Dr. Kondraki. He needed to ask about an SCP's abilities. He thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye, but he brushed it off as not getting enough sleep. But that was the worst mistake he would EVER make. If he had kept his radio on, he would have heard that SCP 106 Had breached containment. Now, there we're no children near, but Clef was the only prey around, for everyone else was hurrying around while an MTF team was gearing up to deal with it, and the Maintenance Team was fixing the femur breaker, and strapping a new D-Class, who just thought he was going to yell in 106's chamber, not get his femur broken. Clef heard the sickening scream of the D-Class minutes later, and realized what was happening. He turned around, he was greeted with 106 just looking at him, smiling. This wasn't one of those smiles Clef had gotten from 999, and he immediately realized that 106 was RIGHT THERE. He took off running, only to slam into 106, as he melted through the floor from one of his pocket dimension holes. Clef screamed, he may have been strong, but he was no match for 106. He honestly thought this was the way he would die. Alone, cause of an old man. The most devious cackle ringed out at the end of the hall.

"HEY GRANDPA QUAGMIRE!! TASTE A CHAINSAW!!" Screamed the voice at the end of the hall as a chainsaw knocked 106 back into its' pocket dimension.

Clef was shaking, he didn't recognize the voice at first, but then he figured out it was one of his colleagues, Jack Bright.

"Jack? What are you doing here? I thought you were in the breach shelter..?" Clef asked, in a semi-worried tone.

"No, they didn't let me in, cause Kondraki said that I was just a was of shelter space since I'm immortal. That doesn't mean I WANT to get devoured by an old man." Jack chuckled, walking to Clef and helping him up, "You gonna be ok, Alto?"

"Yeah, I'll live." Clef responded, "Thanks for fending that creepy old man off"

"Any time." Replied Jack, "Let's get you to the breach shelter, eh?" He rhetorically inquired, not looking for a response.

106 had reappeared behind them, stalking them back to the breach shelter. Bright helped Clef in, people looked mortified.

"JACK, BEHIND YOU, YOU MORON! LOOK BEHIND YOU!!" Shouted one of his colleagues, "YOUR GONNA FUCKING DIE!!" They screamed, but it was too late.

Jack was dragged into the pocket dimension, Kondraki just watched, he kept Clef back, too. There wasn't really anything they could do but hope that bright would know his way out. 106 then went into its' containment without a problem, going back to its' 3 month slumber. Clef was absolutely devastated, he really liked Bright. He wasn't so serious like the others, he had room for fun, not like them. He was so scared that he would never see Bright again. The personnel in the shelter go back to their normal duties, but Clef just can't focus.

"Doctor Alto Clef, report to 0-5 briefing room immediately." Is what can be heard on the intercom.

Clef arrives at the 0-5 office, and he sits down in a soft chair. He messes with his hair, nervous of what they wanted him for.

"So.. Alto Clef. Why are you not working. Your supposed to be checking on the status of SCP 682's acid tank." 05-1 sighs. "You know that working here means losing colleagues. We can't send someone in there to get his medallion. I'm sorry."

"Why not?! Afraid to lose a worthless D-Class BUT NOT A FUCKING IMMORTAL SCIENTIST?!" He yelled, "SEND SOMEONE IN THERE! OR SOMETHING! PLEASE!" He pleaded

"Dont raise your voice Clef. You know I have sedation methods ready. We don't want to lose any more D-Class than what we need." He sighs "We won't have a whole search for Jack, Alto. Let's face it Clef, he probably won't come back, so you need to move on." Explains 05-1.


05-1 had put a sedative needle into Clef's neck. Not one so potent he would pass out, just enough to calm him down.

"Now," 05-1 sighs, "What were you saying?"

"Just please.. send someone after him..! I CAN'T LOSE HIM!!" Screams Clef, powering through the sedative to yell once more, "WHY ARE YOU BEING SO DAMN STUBBORN?! AM I YELLING LOUD ENOUGH TO REACH YOUR PEA-SIZED BRAIN?! HUH??" Clef lost his temper.

"Clef, last warning, before your put to sleep for a few h-" 05-1 is cut off by Clef's yelling

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT SHITTY EXCUSE!! I KNOW YOU WON'T. YOU DONT HAVE THE BALLS TO PUT ME OUT. JUST SEND SOMEONE TO FETCH HIM AND HIS GOOFY MEDALLION AND I'LL BE ON MY WAY!" Clef is pissed, obviously, "WHY ARE YOU SO STU-" Clef is cut off by the feeling of a needle in his neck, and he looks at 05-1, still pissed.

Clef punches 05-1 before he falls asleep. 05-1 just sighs and drags Clef to the infirmary, where they take care of him, and lower his blood pressure.

"Attention, MTF Bright-99 "Oh No You Don't" is needed at the Breach Shelter immediately." Was heard over the intercom.

The MTF were forced into 106's container, and went into a previously opened portal to his pocket dimension.

"JACK!!" Called out one of the MTF team members, "IF YOU CAN HEAR US, SCREAM AS LOUD AS YOU CAN." Yelled the same task force member.

They searched the pocket dimension for two hours, leaving a trail to find their way out, as well as a rope around the team leader. They found Jack, presumably assaulted by 106, gagged and hung onto the wall by a bit of the interior substance. He looked like he was going to vomit at any second. He had heard them yelling, but he couldn't scream. He proceeded to puke due to the absolutely disgusting taste of the gag around his mouth made of, presumably, flesh.


"WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP STANDING THERE AND HELP ME?!-" Cried Jack, although what he said was incomprehensible, "I FEEL LIKE IM ABOUT TO PUKE AGAIN!!" He yelled, still, nobody can make out what he's saying.

"Calm dowdn Bright. They have knives and shit to help you. Just be patient." Muttered the MTF leader.

The rest of the Task Force arrives, and they get Bright down safely from the wall.

"LET ME GO!!" Jack screams, terrified, "I DON'T WANT TO BE TOUCHED RIGHT NOW!!" He yells, on the verge of tears.

The MTF doesn't care. They restrain his hands with a rope and walk him to the outside hall of 106's chamber.

"So, what did that creep do to you?" Asked the MTF leader.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Bright replies.

"Ok. Let's get you to the infirmary." The MTF leader sighs.

They walk Bright to the infirmary, then leave to perform other duties.

Bright stands next to clef, looking at him.

"Pssst- Clefff- wake uppp" Jack whispers, "Wake upppp!"

Jack shakes Clef, waking him up.

"FU- what the hell..?" Clef yells, then quiets down, "Bright..!? Is that actually you..?!"

"Yes Clef. It's me." Bright smiles, "You ok?"

"I'm fine, I was worried about you!" Clef exclaims, "I thought you would never come back.. and I-I-" His voice was shaky, and he was tearing up.

"Hey hey- it's ok Alto- no need to cry-" Bright sighs, then smiles, "Everything is ok."

Bright hugs Clef, and they are sent back to work after Clef is ready.

Word Count: 1375

[AN SCP DOCTOR BOOK] Dr. Jack Bright X Dr. Alto ClefWhere stories live. Discover now