A Different Parker

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Livs POV.

Standing there was Parker, but he didn't look like he did last summer. His hair was no longer parted to the side but instead parted into the middle in a curtain bang style, he has also grown at least 3 inches while last summer he stood a little taller Maddie and I who are 5'4 now he looked a good head taller than us closer to Joeys height of 6'0. He also just looks older in the face. Parker was looking down at his phone as he kicked the door shut with his foot.

"I'm Home" He announced loudly still not looking up, his appearance wasn't the only thing that changed then. In only a year Parkers voice had dropped a few octaves. 

He obviously hadn't noticed Maddie or I so Joey started fake coughing to get Parkers attention, but Parker just ignored him until Joey had been fake coughing for a minute straight causing Parker to roll his eyes 

"Jesus F*ck are you having an asthma attack or some shit" he said annoyed finally looking up from his phone 

Maddie and I smiled at Parker excepting him to start freaking out but instead he just looked somewhat happy to see us, but he seemed bored and unbothered. Seeing he was making no effort to go and give us a hug Maddie and I got up and went over to hug him. He let us but it seemed a little stiff

"What are you doing here?" he asked surprised 

"we're here to spend Summer with you guys" Maddie answered as we pulled away and Parker raised an eyebrow at us

"you're telling me you could have spent Summer in California, but you decided to come to sh#tty Wisconsin instead" Parker asked slightly amused shocking us we've never heard Parker swear before yet here he was swearing twice within 2 minutes of being in the house

"Sh#tty Wisconsin has our family Park" Maddie says making fun of him a little

"That never mattered before" Parker said matter of factly before he goes upstairs disappearing into his room 

"Wow what's up with him" Maddie asked while I sat there shocked 

"He's been acting like a little prick for a few months now" Joey answered rolling his eyes "You actually caught him on a decent day" 

"That's a decent day what's a bad day like" I asked concerned 

"Normally starts between a screaming match with mom or dad then him storming out and getting grounded then ignoring that and going out again" Joey answered

"What the hell happened?" Maddie asked confused

"Its been a rough few months that's all" Joey said to the our confusion 

"What do mom and dad think?" Maddie asked confused about how our parents are letting him act like this

"Their exhausted but it seems like nothing works dad wants to send him away to military school but moms protecting him she's been going a lot easier on him then dad" Joey answered 

"Why though? Why is she putting up with his attitude" Maddie asked the question both her and I were wondering

"Uhm" Joey got visibly uncomfortable "He's just been going through a lot, give him a break" Joeys voice soften when he answered before immediately walking as fast as he can out of the room and upstairs

"Ok what was that? What are they keeping from us?" Maddie turned to me having seemingly read my mind and asked the same question I'm thinking 

"I don't know but whatever it is has something to do with Parkers new attitude" I said sighing 

A Different Kid (Parker Rooney x O/C)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant