Twins are Home

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3rd person

Liv and Maddie stepped out of their uber into the warm summer air as they took in their childhood home. It was exactly how Liv remembered it despite being over a decade ago. Before they even reached the door it was flung open, and their parents stood at the door.

"Liv! Maddie! Oh, my girls come here" Their mom held her arms out and the two girls ditched their bags and ran straight into the familiar arms of their mother before their father wrapped his arms around them all. They stood like that for a while before their dad pulled away first

"We should get inside I'm sure Joey would want to see you girls" he said already grabbing the girls' bags. The girls walked in followed by their dad who left the bags by the ball when they heard footsteps getting closer before Joey came into view and ran down to his sisters also wrapping them in a hug.

"The whole family back together" Karen said with a smile watching her children

"Almost all, where's Parker?" Liv asked pulling away

"He's at Islas" Joey said rolling his eyes 

"Isla?" Maddie asked feeling her protectiveness start to bubble up

"Now kids I'm sure Parker will be home soon there's no need to talk behind his back" Karen said as she gave all three of her kids a quick hug then she walked out of the room upstairs with Pete

The three kids waited until they heard the door close before the twins turn to look at Joey suspiciously before pushing him onto the couch.

"Spill Joey whose Isla?" Liv said while Maddie glared at Joey who gulped nervously

"His girlfriend I told you about her last summer" He answered as he watched his sisters 

"Girlfriend!" The twins said at the same time, Liv sounding excited while Maddie sounded angry 

"There still together?" Maddie asked shocked "I thought it was just a summer thing!"

"Nope," Joey said

"Joey! full name now!"

"Isla umm Evans I think" He answered confused while Liv took her phone out and went straight to Parker's Instagram which he never posted on and looked for Isla Evans in his following to which she found the username @IslaEv05 "Found her"

"You scare me, ever look into joining the FBI" Joey asked causing both of the girls to roll their eyes before all three siblings looked at her Instagram despite the fact Joey had met her

"You scare me, ever look into joining the FBI" Joey asked causing both of the girls to roll their eyes before all three siblings looked at her Instagram despite the fact Joey had met her

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"Wow she's gorgeous, good job Parker" Liv said while Maddie just sat there 

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"Wow she's gorgeous, good job Parker" Liv said while Maddie just sat there 

Sensing the tension Joey changed the topic and the three siblings quickly got into a lively conversation for who knows how long before the door began to open and standing there was Parker Rooney


Hope you guys like the first rewritten chapter! Who's ready for Midnights! Friday here we come! Have a great day/night/afternoon! Love you all stay safe!


Em xx

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