Chapter 29: Papa Don't Preach

Start from the beginning

When we arrive at school, I immediately seek out Justin to see how the talk with his parents went. I'm concerned after yesterday, not gonna lie.

"They were shocked at first. My mom thought I was pulling a prank even though I never did that before." - Justin snickered, trying to use humor to mask his evident fear.

There's no masking fear from a werewolf. We can scent it.

"My dad asked me which girl I knocked up..." - He spoke with an uncomfortable expression.

There's a collective eye roll at that statement. Even Junior is not amused by this. And he is as straight as they come.

"Anyway, after I spent an hour convincing them that it was an omega boy, they told me that they would support whatever decision I make in this matter." - He concluded, feeling unsure.

"What decision is there to make? Are you going to abandon the person carrying your child or leave him to fend for himself? Disposing of him like he's trash?" - Liam questioned him in an accusatory tone.

I gasped at my mate's words.

"No, I'm not! How could you even think I would do something like that? I'm not a monster! I care about him! A lot, actually." - Justin defended himself, seriously outraged at the accusation.

"I'm sorry, Justin. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything. But this is all on him! He's the one facing all the stares alone. He's the one being ogled like a freak. And he has to deal with the consequences." - Liam argued in a worried tone.

I can understand Liam's passionate point of view. This could have easily happened to him. I don't know his dating or sexual history except for the fact that he dated Emm. But one "wrong move" and that could've been him.

I mean, I do know that he never bottomed for anyone before me. But that could be for any number of reasons. Honestly, he got lucky.

I get why he relates so much to this. Aside from the fact that Seb is his friend.

"I understand, Liam. I know you're being protective of your friend. But know this: I'm in this too. There's no abandoning my child, regardless of who my mate turns out to be. I'm not backing down from this, from him." - Justin spoke in a firm tone.

He seemed decided. That's a good thing.

Sebastian arrived at school and we can see he's been crying. Liam rushed to hug and comfort him.

"What happened? Are you okay?" - Liam asked him, worriedly.

"No, my dad wants me to abort my baby!" - He replied and Justin freaked out.

"What?!" - He screamed from beside me and Junior.

Justin darted at Sebastian's direction, intertwining himself between him and Liam, and hugged him tightly.

My mate stepped back a little, giving them some space. But remained close to hear the story.

"He said it was my fault and that I should just get rid of it. Otherwise it's gonna screw up my mating." - Sebastian told them, sobbing.

"Nobody has the right to make this decision for you, Seb. Do you hear me? No one. Your body. Your choice. What do YOU want to do?" - Justin told him in a firm tone.

Sebastian looked up at him, shyly. Justin is a bit taller than him.

"What do you think I should do?" - He asked him, sheepishly. Tears still streamed from his face.

"I want you to keep it. But it has to be your decision. If you don't want to, I'll respect your choice. I swear!" - Justin replied in a serious tone.

"I want to keep it too." - Sebastian smiled softly. Justin kissed him on the lips for a moment until they're interrupted by the school bell ringing.

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