Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 (For Collection)

    Madam Ruan was stunned.

    This effect... Ordinary medicinal materials can never be achieved, and the price of high-quality medicinal materials is not cheap.

    "Mengmeng, this medicine..." She said hesitantly: "Where did you get the money to buy the medicinal materials?"

    Ruan Mengmeng: "Qian Tian gave me one million."

    Madam Ruan was stunned: "Qian Tian? Why did he give you so much money?"

    "I sold him ten amulets." Ruan Mengmeng didn't think anything was wrong at all, and she took it for granted.

    Mrs. Ruan was at a loss: "...Amulet?"

    Is it the kind of ghost painting that she understands?

    Ten ghost talismans and one million?

    Is Qian Tian so hot, or is he crippled by his daughter?

    The ghost painting talisman, which is full of deceitful atmosphere, even fooled others into buying ten copies at a time... What unreliable things did that old magician teach her daughter back then!

    Mrs. Ruan was silent for a while, and solemnly tried to save her daughter's crooked worldview: "Mengmeng, we are a scientific world, there are no monsters and ghosts in the world, you can only ask for peace of mind and don't sell the amulet in the future.

    " Feudal superstition is not interested, but I am also impressed by China's eradication of feudal superstition.

    Ruan Mengmeng felt that what Mrs. Ruan said was quite right, she still needs to be more restrained in the future, and she sold her talisman to Qian Tian, ​​buy ten get one free, eleven pieces are only 1 million, which is too much of a loss.

    In the future, there will be no such price, and it must be doubled.

    So she nodded, and 'um' agreed.

    Mrs. Ruan always felt that something was wrong. She was afraid that her daughter would go the wrong way. She asked the housekeeper to go to the study to find a few books, and solemnly handed them to her daughter: "Take it and see."


    Ruan Mengmeng looked at the stack of books. "Environmental Science", "Scientific Inquiry", "Interesting Geochemistry", "Advocating Science, Opposing Superstition", silent.

    She silently carried the book back to the room, and handed it over to Yin Li: "Take a good look at it."

    Yin Li rolled his eyes at her, picked up the top book "Advocating Science, Opposes Superstition", and jumped to Lie down on the bed.

    While watching, he complained: "What a fool to make up this book. It was an old man in Xuanmen who revised this book. He himself is unscientific enough to write such a book to deceive people."

    "Xuanmen?" Ruan Mengmeng was curious.

    The plot in the book does not mention this.

    "Want to know?" Yin Li raised his head.

    She nodded and asked humbly: "Xuanmen of Xiuxian soaring?"

    "What do you think?" Yin Li despised her, "I believe in such unreliable things as Xiuxianfeisheng, Xuanmen is now only a matter of Taoism and Buddhism. Liu, he only catches ghosts, and occasionally bullies little monsters like weasels."

(MTL)The plot collapsed after wearing the bookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant