Chapter One

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We have the year 1693.

I saw a bunch of people right in front of the Sandersons house. "What going on? maybe the wrong spell" I said to myself. I walked closer because I heard some people yelling.

I came closer, then I saw ropes and the Sanderson sisters. They were about to hang!

On the one hand I was 'excited', Winifred and Mary didn't liked me at all, but on the other hand I was kinda sad. Sarah was so nice and lovely to me, I think she liked me.

I can remember when we first met, feels like it was yesterday...
However, I was on a field, laid on my back and looking in the sky. Her head popped out of nowhere and looked down at me. She scared the hell out of me!

She introduced herself nicely and looked in my eyes, like she knew everything about me.

While I was dreaming a loud noise hit me back to reality.

I just saw their body a few centimeters across the ground. People were walking away with sadness but also anger in their faces. The front yard of the house was empty.

I didn't know what to do. I just stood there, looking up at Sarah. I felt my face headed up and a tear rolled down my face. 'Am I crying over a witch?' I thought.

I looked around if there was anything from Sarah I could have. There was a book.. it was open. "Black flame candle? A virgin need to light the candle while the moon is full out, to return the witch..." I said. I scrolled a few pages further.

The curses campartment
- Painful death
- live forever
- monster

It was so interesting what kind of spells were written down. I also saw some strange symbols.

" twist the bones and then the back,
echika milika malica mustika,
on your mothers baby.
echika milika malica mustika,
get in father just like this... “ I said

Within second my full body shook, pain ran through my veins, my heart beating so fast. I needed to scream my pain out.

The birds flew out of the trees.

Everything turned black.

I woke up, it was too dark. I didn't saw anything. So I had to grove my way ahead. After a while I saw a light, so I ran in it. Thank lord, it was an exit. As I stood now there, I noticed I was on a really high place like a mountain or something.

I saw Salem from up there, all the lights. Some fresh air blew through my hair.

I wondered however, why I was up there and not in the town, where I passed out.

The moon shined bright, a beautiful night to go home again. So I decided to go down and sleep in my own bed.

I walked through the 'streets' and saw familiar faces. Revered Traske walked up to me, I noticed something was wrong.
"Elizabeth Brown, thy are obliged to enter into the covenant of marriage!" he told me. "Even if thy are already too old, Frédéric Miller made himself available." I was shocked.

I will not marry him! And I'm not old! I just turned 25 and he is 47. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Besides I'm a Lesbian, I wonder why I wasn't hanged yet.

Wrong Spell <Sarah Sanderson x fem reader>Where stories live. Discover now