Nice To Meetcha (AU)

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Danny sighed as he dropped his head back. He didn't want to go to some boring museum— especially with some of the Staten Island kids. That was stupid. Who even heard of such a thing? Apparently they were joining the seniors at St. Joseph's for a field trip. He didn't want to go, but anything to get him out of class was good, he supposed.

He stood with his friend, Jimmy, who looked just as bored and annoyed. "My baby sister will like it."

"She's not a senior, is she? So how can she enjoy it?"

"She's in the senior science class."


"Reagan!" The teacher called loudly, "you're with O'Shea, Linda!"

"My baby sis!" Jimmy whispered while Danny scanned the crowd.

A girl with long blonde hair stood up and waved to him with a smile. She kept her smile as she walked over to him.

"Hi," she smiled politely.


"That's Linda," Jimmy pointed to her. "She's my baby sister."

"I'm sixteen, I'd hardly call that a baby," she said, annoyed. But there was also a familiarity to it, like Jimmy always introduced her that way.

"I'll say," Danny mumbled, looking her over. She was maybe 5'5, 5'6, with thick blonde hair down to boobs. Her eyes were the bluest he had ever seen, like the ocean in Florida... or somewhere else with clear blue waters. Her eyes were mesmerizing.

"What?" She asked and Jimmy snickered.

"Nothing. Let's find a seat."

"We can't. Not until the teachers dismiss us."

He wrinkled his brow and frowned, but she stayed put.


"So you're in the senior science class, huh?" Danny asked while they rode to the museum.


"How'd you pull that off?"

"By studying?" She acted like it was an obvious answer.

He nodded, "do you like science?"

Linda shrugged, "I prefer English composition."

Holy crap. Who the hell enjoys that? "I prefer lunch."

She laughed and it was one of the best sounds he had ever heard. "Lunch is pretty great. Especially when they have something chocolate for dessert."

A few minutes passed without them saying anything. Linda spoke first, "so do you have any siblings, um.... Sorry, no one told me your name."


"Danny," she repeated with a small smile on her face.

"And yes. Three. Two brothers and a sister."

"Oh poor sister."

"Poor sister?" He repeated, incredulous.

"Yes. To have to live with three brothers? I have one, and that's bad enough."

"Only a brother?"

"Older sister. Much older. Seven years to be exact. We don't have a lot in common."

"My baby brother is ten years younger."

"That must've been an adjustment."

"Yeah, especially since me and my brother and sister are close in age."

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