Start from the beginning

Her as in Lola.

He hesitated on opening the door for her, guessing that she already knew he was home because his car was parked in the driveway. The more he waited to open the door the louder she got, her attitude made it seem like she was drunk or high off something.

"Monte, open the door! I know that you're in there, I see the car and tv playing through the window." Lola shouted as she banged one last time on the door, then made her way to his window which she used to lean back on for support.

Even though it felt off to let her in, Monte disregarded his gut feeling and opened the door up for her.

"Why are you here?! I thought I told you to not come back over here." Monte demanded to know from her. She strolled into the house and attempted to make her way past him, but instead was yanked back by her arm from his couch as he still kept a grip on her. Lola instantly scrunched her face up, "What you mean nigga? I just came home because I missed you, and because my momma won't let me in her house.." She mumbled the last part of her sentence.

Annoyance fully took over Monte's body. He hated how she only came around when she needed something, it was never genuine with Lola. The last time she crashed at his place was when she was denied access at their local shelter, and when her mother- Jill did the same thing. At the time, Monte was so anguished for her love so he let her in again, but ended up getting hurt in the process.

"You can't stay here Lola. Get the fuck out and don't come back, you ain't welcomed here." He uttered under his breath. It didn't take even a minute for her tears and sniffles to start. Before Monte knew it, Lola was practically beseeching him.

He looked down at the floor, not trying to even glance at her knowing he would feel bad and go back on his words.

"You fuckin' on someone else, huh? That's why you tryna kick me to the curb! Last week you were all up on my phone, just because some heffa let you hit doesn't mean you come back tryna play me like ima hoe!" Lola cried and cornered him.

Monte leaned back on the wall, letting everything Lola was raving about go in one ear and out the other now. He was starting to get aggravated with her, thoughts of turning to violence fueled his already troubled mind.

"Helloooo are you even listening to me?!" Lola asked as she snapped her fingers in his face, and waved her hands.

"I'm not gonna keep explaining myself to you, me and you ain't together nomo. So whatever I do with my body is my business, don't come up in my face tryna question me." Monte scolded her, grabbing a hold of her hands aggressively to let her know he was serious.

Once again he advised her to move out of his face and leave, but Lola refused. Monte knew that she was attempting to push him over his limit, and he was falling for her trap. The thing was that tonight would turn into something they both didn't expect.

Monte pushed her out the way and unlocked his front door, in a last chance to get her out of his house but Lola used all her force to shut it. A stinging sensation hit Monte's left cheek, which had came from Lola who slapped him to escape his grasp. They both stood there stunned at what she done. It was out of character for her but Monte had not expected that during that specific moment.

He held his cheek and scrunched his face up at her in disgust. "I was tryna keep my cool with you, but fuck it!" Monte raved aggressively pushing her on the ground, he had finally reached his breaking point with her.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" A sobbing Lola screeched in a struggle with Monte, as they both tussled trying to gain control with each other on the cold hardwood floor. In the moment, Monte was seeing red not being able to control himself, it felt as if someone else had taken control over his body.

It became quite obvious on who was winning the dual, which gave Monte a thought. He could be free of his six years of what felt like hell if he did it, also knowing if he stopped now she would run to the police. They would believe her story over his any day. Who would believe the guy with Schizophrenia and BPD(Borderline Personality Disorder).

Monte wrapped his arms around her throat and tightened his grip every second. He listened to the sound of her struggling to breathe, it made a smirk grow on his face.

Soon the struggle between the two of them stop. The room went quiet, so quiet you could hear a pen drop. Lola's grasp loosened and her hands dropped. Monte stopped what he was doing once he came back to his senses, it was too late.

She was gone; her eyes were lifeless, a limp body, cold aura, no heartbeat or pulse was felt either. Tears instantly fell down Monte's cheeks when he realized what he had just done, "Lola? Lola stop playin! You're not funny..wake up! Lola?!" He bawled, shaking her lifeless body aggressively.

He pulled her close to his chest, slowing rocking back and forth with her in his arms.

What had he done?



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Soooo on 6/19/23 I rewrote this chapter because it had a lot of mistakes and was just horrible🫤


I think for now that's all I'll be rewriting, I have to go back and read it again to see, but I'll have to do minor fixes to match other chapters with it.

For old readers, I didn't add anything significant just rewording.

Like always mistakes will be fixed later and thank you for all my supporters n whoever interacts with this book and all my others!!

Cya soon😏

🎵Sandcastles by Beyoncé 🎵

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