Chapter 12 - Ruffled Feathers

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I took a sip of my coffee. Actually, this is my first time drinking a coffee. I usually drink fresh milk; if you could remember what I usually get from the fridge though. I don't know what's gotten into me lately. Maybe I just want to try something else. I rarely do that, honestly.

"Roseta was possessive, she won't let me go" Dad explained.

We're currently sitting at the bench in the frontyard while me and dad we're talking. He said earlier about how his life was miserable when he chose Roseta; his mistress and he told me how huge his mistake was. He wanted to leave but she threatened to mess with our family if he ain't gonna stay. He tried to protect me and my mom because dad said Roseta blackmailed him and said she will kill us both if dad attempts to abandon her.

"What was she? a psycho?" I scoffed.

"I don't know honey, I never knew she'd act like that. She never acted like that when we....first met" he trailed off.

I let a silent sigh, I can't bear dad thinking he was into other woman. That's why it tore me into pieces.

"So, how did you get here?" I wonder how he escaped from that psycho bitch when she even tried to threaten.

He look at me reluctantly and take a deep breath. "I ma-de a mis-take" he stammered. He took a little sip in his coffee.

"I-I killed her"

My eyes grew wider "What? Are you serious? Dad?! You'll be sent to juvenile for what you've done! You're insane!" I whined and I was about to stand when he clutches my arm. I look at him fiercely.

"Get off me Mario! Mom needs to know this!"

He force a weak smile and look at me desperately "She knew.... she already knew"

"What?... W-hat are you talking about?" I wrinkle my eyebrow in confusion. Was she an accomplice?  Did I miss something? What else did I miss?

I'd never wish to hear something worst than anything else.

"Please sit Riley and listen" he loosen the grip and clasp his hands while I reluctantly sit on the chair trying myself not to buzz off and just to listen.

This is way harder than I thought.

"We argued with Roseta" he says "I never meant to hurt her... that was an accident"

"I know this isn't believable honey but I'm saying the truth. I never wanted to hurt anybody" he forced his tears not to fall.

"That's terrible" I'm literally nervous right now. I couldn't even look straight into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I didn't came book soon... I was trying to protect you both with your mother"

"Just get this straight dad!?" I hollered in frustration. I'm really not thinking clearly right now. I really am.

He let out a sigh "She tripped in the bathroom floor and accidentally bumped her head into the bathtub" He's fidgeting when he said that. "She tried to hurt me"

I don't know what to say. I feel traumatized. I really don't know exactly what to feel.

"I choke her— but I was just trying to defend myself honey"

My eyes widened "Y-ou asshole!" My body shakens "You're a fuckin' murderer!" I shouted extremely.

"What's happening here?" Mom suddenly approached with her face full of confusion. Maybe she was astound from my loud voice. I look at her pathetically.

"You both are disguting!"

I look at them before I flounced out. I don't want to hear any more lies. I'm done and I'm tired trusting anyone who were not even honest with me. I'm really tired holding grudge for anyone. I really am done with this fucking life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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