Criminal Alliance

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With Lex Luthor and Lady M incapacitated, the criminal underworld in Metropolis and Fawcett was in turmoil with new crime lords fighting for supremacy. That they were gathered here was no coincidence.

There were politicians, businessmen and the heads of powerful families here too. It was more than just networking. Something was brewing. Clark just couldn't put his finger on exactly what that was.

Days of observation revealed power politics. Some bribes, switching of loyalties.

Hiding in the clouds, he scanned through the files in cabinets at superspeed. His x-ray vision revealed plans for global domination through businesses, blackmailing politicians and mergers of criminal organization. This retreat could have a hidden agenda - to decide who will be the top dog.

Metallo and Bizarro were likely their bouncers. Who else? What else?

Superman! I know you are here. Surrender or this child dies!
An eerie voice rang through his head.

The boy was fighting for his life in the choke hold of a White Martian.

He had one shot. A searing blast of heat vision forced the creature's hand to lose its form, releasing Billy.

"Shazam!" Lightning struck the child transforming him into Captain Marvel.

The Herculean man activated his new invention - a tiny device which forced Martians to shed their disguises

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The Herculean man activated his new invention - a tiny device which forced Martians to shed their disguises. The plan was to separate humans from potentially hostile Martians.

"Holy Moley!" The words dropped from Cap's lips.

There were no humans around. Everyone in the retreat morphed into a White Martian. This was their hive!

You know our secret. You shall not live!
The martian grabbed the Captain and tried to snap his neck, only to be sent flying across the playground when Cap's fist met its face.

Landing beside Captain Marvel, Superman unleashed his fiery vision at the Martian army which closed in on them.

The humanoid bodies of the white Martians collapsed into masses of tentacles as the resulting fire caused them to lose their form.

Gas fizzed out from the ground as foam rained from the clouds putting out the fire.

Martians regained their humanoid forms and attacked the pair. Each was almost as strong as a Kryptonian.

Clark's eyes burned as he unleashed his heat vision once more, this time without the desired effect.

Do you think we would plan a takeover without eliminating the threat of fire to us? Nothing burns in our modified atmosphere.

Backs facing each other, Big Blue and Big Red fought waves of bloodlusted Martians, sending some flying unconscious across the field, taking hits from others that left the boy scouts battered and bloodied.

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