"Yes," I say, nodding. "But especially that last one. People love to talk about themselves."

Jisoo shoots me a look, one of her eyebrows rising. "Tell me about it."

I grin. "Whatever she starts talking about, ask follow up questions. Build a conversation off that. It'll show you're listening to what she's saying and there's nothing better than feeling like you're being heard."

Jisoo nods, taking it all in.

When we arrive twenty minutes later the rink is surprisingly packed. The smell of old carpet, feet, and whatever greasy food the concession stand is churning out fills my nose and I'm relieved the lights are dim except for the glittering silver disco ball in the center of the rink because I'm pretty sure this place should never see the light of day.

"The car door move was a nice touch," I say as we buy tickets, leaning closer to her so she can hear me over the enormous speakers blasting out music. "Next, I'd say you should at least offer to pay for Chaeyoung. Especially if you ask her on the date." Jisoo freezes, her hand still in her wallet.

"Should I... pay... for you now?"

I pull a ten out of my pocket, shaking my head. "We don't have to practice that part. I mean, this isn't a real date."

She nods and we both fall silent as the cashier counts our change and begins the hunt for our skate sizes. When she returns with them we both reach at the same time and our arms brush lightly together.

Hmm... maybe rollerskating isn't a terrible date idea after all. Definitely not in my usual wheelhouse but I can admittedly see how it has all the makings of a solid first date. Some flirting, a little handholding, maybe something from the snack shack? It could work.

I can't help but laugh as Jisoo tests out the wheels on both our pairs, spinning each one individually before nodding her approval like she's sampling a fancy wine at a five star restaurant.

This is going to be quite a night.

• • •

Getting the skates on is no trouble at all.

Actually trying to use them is hell itself.

After I stutter stepped across the black speckled carpet, cussing as many words I know, I ventured onto the glossy wooden floor.

Which was... a huge mistake.

Immediately I clutched at the wall for support as skaters whizzed past. And every time I've tried to move since then I can feel my legs flailing in two different directions.

So naturally, I have decided to just stop trying altogether and cling to the wall for dear life.

"You've just got to go for it!" Jisoo says as she skates in small circles, backward, right in front of me.

I glare up at her, my fingernails digging into the wall as I clomp my way forward. "If I just go for it I'll–"

The words aren't even out of my mouth before they come to fruition. I wipe out hard, the skates sliding out from under me as I ass-plant on the wooden floor. The base of my spine practically splinters into a million pieces. I lie there flat as a pancake, staring up at the white ceiling as the disco ball sends out glittering rays of light.

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