Chapter 2: Who do I trust??

Start from the beginning

Heirii’s Point of View

What is Kisshu talking about?? I turn away from my window after he left, feeling a bit sad myself. I don’t want to fight. Not Ichigo or Kisshu!! I groan, and lay down on my bed, trying to figure what this is all about. “What have I gotten myself into?” I mutter before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Shirogane’s Point of View

“Keiichiro, is that it?” I ask him, seeing the monitor on the screen. “Yes, that was defiantly a signal, but all five of our girls are here.” He replied, and I face palmed myself. “That means, since they lost the pendant, the aliens have found her. This isn’t good.” I grit my teeth, getting anxious. “I’m going to get the girls, be ready to tell them the news.” I say, walking out. “Shirogane,” Keiichiro started, and I stopped, turning around. “What?” “Don’t be too hard on them, okay?” he says, trying to reason with me. I just give a nod and walk out. These girls have no idea the trouble they could be in if the aliens have the 6th Mew. “Everyone go to our room. Now.” I say coldly, looking as everyone turned towards me. “Why?” Pudding asks, but I don’t give her a reply. I just walk back over to mine and Keiichiro’s room. They follow, and when we are all inside our room, we tell them what has happened. “The aliens have found the 6th Mew. The signal went off last night, but it was after all five of you had returned. So that means when they took it, they knew exactly who to look for.” I say, looking around at their shocked faces. “What are we going to do then?” Lettuce asks timidly. Why is she always so timid around us? “We are going to have to find her, and try to convince her to stay on our side.” Keiichiro said, smiling a little bit. “But it’s no easy task. The aliens have probably already talked to her, so you screwed up big time, and we may have lost a member.” I glare at them when I say this, so they might be able to tell how much trouble we are actually in. “Don’t blame us for this!! We didn’t know Kisshu was going to make a Chimera Animal in America! He just took it while we were fighting! How were we to stop him with that, Shirogane??” Ichigo yelled at me, her face scrunched up like she does when she’s mad. “Well, if you would’ve paid attention, he might not have taken it away.” I reply nonchalantly, turning my head to the side and crossing my arms. “HOW COULD I HAVE PAID ATTENTION!!? I WAS FIGHTING A CHIMERA ANI-” Ichigo started to scream, but I cut her off. “Enough! We aren’t getting anywhere by you yelling at me. Calm down and go try to find her, or else we have a bigger problem to face.” She looked shocked, but looked down at her feet, mumbling an agreement. “Well, I have some desserts for you girls for all you have done so far, they are in the kitchen if you would like?” Keiichiro said sweetly, intervening between us. “I would love some!” Pudding said with a huge grin on her face. As they left, I looked out my window. If the 6th Mew goes to the wrong side, we are all screwed over…

Heirii’s Point of View

After I woke up the next morning, I knew I had to make a decision, and quickly. I had heard Kisshu’s perspective, but Ichigo hadn’t explained anything. I needed to talk to her now. I picked up my phone, and dialed her number. “Come on, pick up!” I groan, sitting on my bed. On the 5th ring, she picks up.

I: Hello?

H: Hey Ichigo! I have a question for you!

I: Umm, what is it?

H: You know all of what happened yesterday? Could you explain to me why you are fighting these guys, and all that? I’m very confused on it all, and you told me yesterday you would explain it. I’m real curious.

I: Oh yeah, sure! Do you want to meet at my hotel? I’ll send you the address.

H: Yeah! That’s perfect!

I: Okay, give me like 15 minutes at the least.

H: I’ll be over in 30.

I: Alright, Bye-bye!!

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