WinterFalcon 4in1 (ii)

Start from the beginning

The plug.

Fuck. Sam thought.

Bucky chuckled and touched a finger against the base of the plug. Sam gasped as he pressed against it, sending the tip against Sam's prostate. Sam cursed, his hips thrust forwards and his cock grew heavier between his legs. Sam groaned as Bucky chuckled again. Suddenly he was pressed, hard, against Sam's back, his groin pushing the toy back against the prostate. Sam bit his lip and tried suppressing a moan.

"Look at you, it's almost like you knew I was coming," Bucky murmured in his ear, taking Sam's earlobe between his teeth he gave it a teasing tug. Sam whimpered and screwed his eyes shut, his hips were trapped between Bucky's groin and the wall, so he couldn't escape the pressure against his prostate. His arms were being held tightly; his wrists crossed on the small of his back. Bucky stepped back, relenting the pressure, "kick off your pants, nice and slowly and we'll see if we can get some answers from you. If you even think about fighting back, I'll snap your arms like twigs, and they'll stay that way until we get the information we want. Understand?"

Sam swallowed slowly and nodded a lump appearing in his throat.

"Answer me."

"I understand," Sam replied, his voice shaky and uneven.

Bucky pressed back against him and said softly in his ear, if they were back home, Sam could have mistaken it for a loving gesture, "Good, now don't move while I get something to keep your arms together, then we'll have a little fun," unfortunately for Sam, his body didn't register the distance and his cock continued to harden in anticipation of Bucky's words. "Looks like you like the sound of that idea," Bucky added, Sam could hear the smirk in his voice as he snaked a hand around Sam's body to squeeze his cock. Sam cursed in his head as his body betrayed him. Sam knew this wasn't his Bucky; but his body knew no different.

What had they done to him? How had they gotten him reprogrammed, but also like this? Or was this just Bucky carrying out a mission?

He heard Bucky moving around the room preparing things, but Sam didn't dare turn to look and see what it was he was doing. Bucky's footsteps returned and Sam felt his shirt pulled off of his wrists. Bucky posed his arms, so they were crossed behind his back and looped a thick woven rope around his forearms, securing them together. Sam gave an experimental tug, but they weren't going anywhere.

Bucky's hand gripped his shoulders, "let's get a little more comfortable," he guided Sam to turn around and move across the room to a large chair. Sam eyed it, cautiously, trying to stop to regard it but Bucky pushed him forwards. Bucky positioned him so Sam's arms were behind the back of the chair and made him sit down. "Now, how to get answers out of you?" Bucky wondered aloud. Bucky moved behind him and Sam tried to follow his movements, but couldn't, due to how he was tied up. Bucky returned to his side and fixed something to either side of the chair he was in. Bucky's hand wrapped around one of Sam's ankles and raised his foot, placing his heel in a holding. Sam realised his feet were being placed in stirrups. His ass was pulled to the front of the chair and his ass and dick were on full display. Bucky wrapped a strap around his heel for good measure to keep Sam in place and stood back to admire his handiwork.

Bucky nodded, walked around Sam and went to a draw. From the draw, he pulled a tray with some items on it. The items rattled with the movement, some sounded metallic, some other materials Sam couldn't distinguish. Bucky set it on a high table, preventing Sam from seeing the contents. He turned back to Sam.

"Now, I'm going to ask you what we want to know, and when I hear an answer I don't like, I'll punish you, so, where is Steve Rogers?"

Sam fought the urge to roll his eyes, "I already told your boss that I don't know."

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