What if Hannah knew me somehow- knew all the details about my past, and my family. Knew all the things that I was so desperate to hide I'd kept most people at an arm's length. My phone vibrated in my pocket. My real phone, that is. The burner was currently hidden back in my motel room. I'd almost brought it with me, but when I'd seen the man follow me out of the parking lot, I'd known it was a good call.

Alan- You're being followed.

Me- I know.

Alan- Be careful Charlee.

Me- Always am, sir.

Alan- If you say so.

I still didn't know what Alan's game was with me, but I didn't have time for that right now. Another problem for another day.

I took the last bite of the pickle that had come with my sandwich, washing my mouth out with my drink before clearing my throat. Thomas and Hannah were still eating, neither of them paying much attention to the guy who was sitting only a few tables away, watching our every move. I had to keep this conversation light. The room may have been full of chatter, but I wasn't risking this man overhearing anything important.

"Hannah, did you send my number to Thomas? Why?" There. The question was out there. I was finally going to know the truth.

She nodded, placing her fork down on her plate. "I did send your number, only it was a receipt number."

The truth hit me kind of like a rock wall. I don't know why hearing it hurt. A part of me wanted it to mean something bigger, but...with one more word I could have never gotten involved in the whole thing. Would that have been better?

"How did you get your phone?"

"A couple of hours, maybe days...it's hard to remember. I was blindfolded. Constant darkness makes time feel like it doesn't exist." Thomas exhaled loudly but Hannah didn't even seem to notice she just continued talking. "He was gone, or I thought he was, and I wiggled out of the ropes around my wrists. My phone, it was just sitting there a few feet away. Lit up by the candlelight like a shiny beacon of hope. I knew I had just moments to help myself. I still didn't know who had kidnapped me and I had no idea where I was so I did the only thing I could think of. Type the receipt number, the number burned into my brain, but I accidentally sent it to Thomas."

Hannah's eyes were clouded, as though she was no longer here with us and instead back in that room where she'd been kept. Richy may not have physically harmed Hannah, but he'd mentally bruised her. Mentally tortured her for weeks; it wasn't something you just got over.

As much as I hated to admit that Richy was right about something, his prediction of me and Hannah getting along was spot on. Even with shadows of torment looming in her eyes she was charismatic. She drew me in, and before I knew it I wanted to do anything I could to help her heal. But I knew that she had to heal herself. Now that we had uncovered her crime maybe she could finally start really healing.

Hopefully that healing wouldn't be interrupted with time in jail. To me Hannah had already been punished, by someone she called a friend; but I didn't get a say in the matter. It was up to Alan. He was a problem that I was going to have to deal with sooner rather than later I expected.

When it was time to leave Hannah through her arms around me once more. She leaned in, her voice a low whisper. "Some things happen for a reason. Jake and you...well, let's just say I have this feeling that things aren't over for you. And I'm not the only one." Her eyes shifted towards the man who had been watching us. At some point in our conversations, he had been joined by another man. Hannah had noticed them, just like I had.

I picked at the fluffy yellow pillows decorating Jessy's plush white couch as she paced in front of me. Apparently, Dan had finally decided to be honest about who had turned the police in Phil's direction. With this news, and by the fierce expression on Jessy's face I knew that any chance of her and Dan getting together had finally been squashed.

The pacing had gone on for several minutes, joined by a lot of expletives, and inappropriate hand gestures. It was time for me to play my role as devil's advocate. I'd done this so many times for this group I didn't even have to think about it anymore.

"Jessy, I know he was wrong, but he did what he thought was right at the time."

She stopped in her tracks turning slowly towards me with a rage that was now directed at me. I'd clearly said the wrong thing. I lifted my hands as if I was surrendering and she resumed her pacing. Apparently, she was going to need a little more time.

"He sat there while I accused Cleo and Richy. Read every comment. He would have let our friendship group fall apart rather than admit it was him." She threw her hands over her head before plopping onto the couch. "He's a coward."

"Maybe, but he was scared of losing you."

"What, are you on his side or something?"

I sighed before turning to her, tucking my legs up underneath me. "First thing, I'm on your side. Always." She gleamed at me, but I continued. "Second, I... just want this to be over. I want the arguing over. I thought it would finally be over, but that dark cloud is still following us."

At my words her shoulders sagged, her head landing on the couch cushion as if all the fire that had been insider her moments ago was gone. When she opened her eyes, they were filled with tears. Crap. I hadn't mean to upset her even more. Jessy was one of Richy's biggest victims. The attack wasn't nearly as bad as the betrayal she'd felt. Richy had been her best friend. Best damn friend and he'd managed to put a damper on her happy-go-lucky attitude. I'd never forgive him for that.

Jessy let me pull her into my arms as she whimpered. "I really liked Dan; you know? Behind that I don't care about anything attitude I was sure there was kindness. I keep giving him chances, and he keeps messing them up."

I'd seen a glimpse of the side of Dan that she described. He'd tried to protect me when he'd been sure Jake was the kidnapper, although he'd been a tiny bit rude about it. Dan had also protected Jessy when Richy went to attack her for a second time. He'd helped Thomas after Hannah had disappeared.

"Jessy. There's definitely a good man somewhere inside of Dan. But if he can't step up and be what you need...at some point you have to let go."


Hey all, did you like the slightly longer chapter? Let me know if you prefer shorter or longer chapters. I can do longer chapters once a week, or shorter chapters twice a week. Reader's choice.

Do you think Jessy and Dan will end up together? 

See you soon. 


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