New Orleans

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Next day:
Kol's pov:

I woke up, got dressed and went downstairs. I saw Rebekah who was reading a magazine and Elijah who was reading a book.

"Hello everyone" I said and walked into a kitchen where i saw Klaus who was drinking from a mug that said "the handsomest Uncle"

I chuckled "when did you even had time to do that?" I asked Klaus.
"I will always have time for my niece" said Klaus.

I was walked to Allison's room and before i got there Allison was running to stares.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Uncle Klaus promised that he would show me his town" Allison said while running downstairs.

"Uncle Klaus I'm ready Lets go, lets go, lets go." Allison said excited.
"Ok little one, lets go" Klaus said and he and Allison walked off. I chuckled
Elijah looked at me "that child is your soft spot" Said Elijah. I just looked at him and went to my room.

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