Chapter 27: Daddy Issues

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry for your loss. Please give my respects to your mom when you see her." - He said with a somber tone.

Luna Tyler serve up some hot pancakes and I grab myself some, pouring some syrup on top of it.

"Thank you sir, I will." - I replied to him before I stuffed my mouth.

The mood is uncomfortable and everyone is silent at the table, but I'm not gonna lie. It is what it is. I can't change it. Believe me, I really wish that I could.😓

Half an hour later, my mate dropped me off at the pack house - he had picked me up the day before - and I went straight to my mom's room.

When she opened the door, it looked like she's been crying. It instantly made me worried for her, though it's not exactly unexpected.

She always cries on this day.

"Did your have breakfast?" - I asked her in a concerned tone.

"Of course, whether I do or not I have to pay for it anyway." - She replied in a "duh" tone.

I'm telling you people here are stickler for rules, not that I blame them particularly. If we didn't have them, this place wouldn't be suitable for children to live.

Plus, let's not forget this is the house where foreign dignitaries stay when they visit. And where the Alpha and Beta work.

"Good. Do you want us to drive to dad's burial site? We can take the car and make it a day. Mother and son road trip." - I suggested it with an uplifting tone.

"Son, I'm not gonna spend 6 hours driving just to visit your father's tombstone. He lives on inside my heart. Plus, I work tomorrow and don't wanna arrive at the crack of dawn. Not to mention you have school tomorrow too." - She shot it down with a sour tone.

"It's fine, mom. No problem, so tell me a story about him. Just not anything involving how I was made." - I smirked, she frowned at this.

I snuggle to her side of the bed and lay my head on her lap. She caresses my head, messing with my hair like she used to do when I was little. I always liked having a long hairdo, especially for this reason. I'm such a mama's boy. And proud of it.

"When I was in high school, I dated this jock from 16 until I turned 18, we were inseparable. We really thought we were going to be mates!" - She started, like so many stories of teen wolves start.

"It's funny because before my birthday, I was so convinced that he's gonna be the one that I even managed to persuade my parents to let him sleep in my room..."

"Mom!" - I cried out with a disgusted look on my face. She slapped my arm lightly.

"To sleep, Liam! Only to sleep!" - She defended herself, outraged at the insinuation.🙄

"Anyway, when I woke up I rolled over to greet him... He slept on the floor by the way, my dad demanded it. And then bam! Nothing." - She startled me with her loud 'bam'.

"I cried my eyes out that day! I was so inconsolable! It took me almost an hour just to calm myself down and get through breakfast." - She continued, dramatically.

"My parents wished me happy birthday and all that jazz, but still I was a wreck. We went to school, Josh and me, and as soon as we arrived there... Bam!" - She startled me again.

"You found dad?" - I asked her, turning my head up to face her.

"No! My friends all consoled us for not being mated to each other. Everyone was gobsmacked at the news." - She replied, making me roll my eyes in frustration.

"It took me a while to find my mate, actually. He wasn't at school when I arrived. I went through the corridors, scoured everywhere for my mate and nothing..." - She creates a suspense.

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